Hacker News
- Heart rate variability differs between smartwatch and clinical testing https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2024/08/26/wvu-research-shows-smart-watch-and-clinical-testing-measures-differ 74 comments
- Teens using social media are vulnerable to depressive symptoms and some platforms, like TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, may be linked to higher levels of depression than others, according to research https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2024/01/16/wvu-research-reveals-possible-link-between-teen-personalities-social-media-preferences-and-depressive-symptoms 55 comments technology
- WVU Today | WVU joins BRAIN Center to advance technology for neurological disorders https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2023/10/19/wvu-joins-brain-center-to-advance-technology-for-neurological-disorders 2 comments futurology
- Researchers see need to strengthen mental health programs for first responders. Pressures can result in compassion fatigue — physical and mental exhaustion and emotional withdrawal experienced by those who care for sick or traumatized people over an extended time. https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2023/05/22/wvu-researchers-see-need-to-strengthen-mental-health-programs-for-first-responders 16 comments science
- WVU Today | New WVU teacher education initiative brings coding to K-5 classrooms https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2022/08/23/new-wvu-teacher-education-initiative-that-brings-coding-to-k-5-classrooms-is-all-games-and-a-lot-of-fun 6 comments coding
- Machine learning may predict where need for COVID tests is greatest https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2022/03/09/machine-learning-may-predict-where-need-for-covid-tests-is-greatest 2 comments science
- New radiology research shows promising results for focused ultrasound treatment of Alzheimer’s https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2021/02/25/new-radiology-research-shows-promising-results-for-focused-ultrasound-treatment-of-alzheimer-s 8 comments science
- Most wearable sleep tracking devices are not very accurate, finds a new study of 8 sleep tracking devices. Fitbit and Oura came out on top, but other devices either overestimated or underestimated sleep metrics, and none of the 8 could quantify sleep stages (REM, non-REM). https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2021/02/17/you-snooze-you-lose-with-some-sleep-trackers-say-wvu-neuroscientists 64 comments science
- Pandemic life for married couples can lead to sadness, anger. Researchers reported that husbands and wives who had everyday routines disrupted by spouses felt negative emotions toward them and perceived the marriage to be turbulent. https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2021/01/28/-honey-i-m-home-all-the-time-pandemic-life-for-married-couples-can-lead-to-sadness-anger 78 comments science
- The expansion of telepsychiatry may outlast the COVID-19 pandemic that caused it. When the stay-at-home order took effect in West Virginia...Just 10% to 15% of patients had connectivity problems. And—anecdotally—clinicians found that many patients were more forthcoming during virtual sessions. https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2020/12/10/virtual-therapy-the-new-normal-after-covid-19 4 comments science
- Glucosamine may reduce overall death rates as effectively as regular exercise. After controlling for various factors—such as participants’ age, activity level—the researchers found taking glucosamine every day for a year or longer was associated with a 39 percent reduction in all-cause mortality https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2020/12/01/glucosamine-may-reduce-overall-death-rates-as-effectively-as-regular-exercise-says-wvu-study 18 comments science
- A new radio telescope is under construction at Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia! Named Outrigger, it will coordinate with a radio telescope in Canada to triangulate the locations of Fast Radio Bursts https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2020/11/06/unraveling-the-mysteries-of-the-cosmos-new-telescope-at-green-bank-observatory-will-improve-localization-of-fast-radio-bursts 11 comments space
- Sports leagues may want to consider calling a timeout on reopening their doors to fans, based on new research that links an uptick in seasonal flu deaths to US cities with pro sports teams. Flu deaths increased by between 5 and 24 percent during the NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB seasons, https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2020/06/18/u-s-cities-with-pro-sports-see-more-flu-deaths 20 comments science
- Helicopter parents say their actions are all about their children, but what they’re doing is reaping the rewards for themselves, suggests new research (n=302), which found that high helicopter parenting leads to low mastery, self-regulation and social competence in young adults aged 18 to 24. https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2019/11/18/helicopter-parents-and-hothouse-children-wvu-researcher-explores-the-high-stakes-of-family-dynamics 1164 comments science
- Rocky Mountain Not-so High: Oil, gas wells drive down Colorado home values, reveals WVU research https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2019/11/12/rocky-mountain-not-so-high-oil-gas-wells-drive-down-colorado-home-values-reveals-wvu-research 14 comments science
- WVU researchers examine the lives of fungal-infected zombie cicadas. The Massopora fungus causes cicadas to lose their limbs, and eccentric behavior sets in: Males try to mate with everything they encounter, although the fungus has consumed their genitals and butts. https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2019/06/25/-flying-salt-shakers-of-death-the-lives-of-fungal-infected-zombie-cicadas-explained-by-wvu-researchers 9 comments science
- ‘Flying salt shakers of death’: The lives of fungal-infected zombie cicadas, explained by WVU researchers https://wvutoday.wvu.edu/stories/2019/06/25/-flying-salt-shakers-of-death-the-lives-of-fungal-infected-zombie-cicadas-explained-by-wvu-researchers 4 comments nottheonion