Hacker News
- Study finds the gulf stream is warming and shifting closer to shore https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/gulf-stream-is-warming-and-shifting/ 18 comments
- Fertilizing the Ocean with Iron (2007) https://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/feature/fertilizing-the-ocean-with-iron/ 50 comments
- Florida Current is weaker now than at any point in the past century https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/florida-current-weakening/ 15 comments
- New study finds that critical ocean current has not declined in the last 60 years https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/no-amoc-decline/ 110 comments upliftingnews
- A recent study has analyzed the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) using computer models and found no evidence of a long-term weakening over the past 60 years. https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/no-amoc-decline/ 21 comments climate
- A recent study has analyzed the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) using computer models and found no evidence of a long-term weakening over the past 60 years. https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/no-amoc-decline/ 45 comments science
- Study reveals diversity of novel hydrothermal vent styles on the Arctic Ocean floor. In addition, the study has implications for understanding and investigating for habitability and perhaps even life on ocean worlds in our outer solar system. https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/polaris-site/ 4 comments science
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and partners discover new ocean predator in the Atacama Trench https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/dulcibella-camanchaca/ 3 comments science
- Deep ocean clues to a million-year-old Ice Age puzzle revealed in new study, which provides fresh insights into the ocean’s role in climate during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition, an enigmatic interval of change in climate cycles that began about one million years ago. https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/ice-age-puzzle/ 4 comments science
- New Study Definitively Confirms Gulf Stream Weakening - The Gulf Stream transport of water through the Florida Straits has slowed by 4% over the past four decades, with 99% certainty that this weakening is more than expected from random chance, according to a new study. https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/new-study-definitively-confirms-gulf-stream-weakening/ 49 comments science
- Atmospheric Research Provides Clear Evidence of Human-Caused Climate Change Signal Associated with CO2 Increases https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/atmospheric-research-provides-clear-evidence-of-human-caused-climate-change-signal-associated-with-co2-increases/ 12 comments climate
- Previously unreleased footage from first submersible dives in July 1986 to the RMS Titanic shipwreck — British passenger liner that sank 14-15 April 1912 remains about 4,000 metres undersea in the Atlantic Ocean https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/woods-hole-oceanographic-institution-releases-rare-video-footage-from-the-first-submersible-dives-to-rms-titanic/ 119 comments history
- Can icebergs be towed to water-starved cities? https://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/feature/can-icebergs-be-towed-to-water-starved-cities/ 62 comments environment
- Sunlight can break down marine plastic into tens of thousands of chemical compounds. A study led by researchers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution finds sunlight isn't just capable of breaking plastics down; it can convert their base polymers and additives into a soup of new chemicals. https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/sunlight-can-break-down-marine-plastic-into-tens-of-thousands-of-chemical-compounds-study-finds/ 21 comments science
- Prior studies have underestimated cooling in the last glacial period, low-balling estimates of the Earth's climate sensitivity to greenhouse gases. The rather high climate sensitivity is not good news regarding future global warming, which may be stronger than expected using previous best estimates https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/study-finds-6%E2%81%B0c-cooling-on-land-during-the-last-ice-age-with-implications-about-future-global-warming/ 4 comments science
- A key component of the Gulf Stream has markedly slowed over the past century—that’s the conclusion of a new research paper. Florida current is weaker now than at any point in the past century. https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/florida-current-weakening/ 5 comments science
- Nitrogen is the main constituent of the Earth’s atmosphere, but its provenance in the Earth’s mantle has remained uncertain. Now, using a new method of analyzing clumped nitrogen isotopes, researchers reveal the origin of Earth’s nitrogen. https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/new-geochemical-tool-reveals-origin-of-earths-nitrogen/ 7 comments science
- The beloved anemone fish popularized by the movie “Finding Nemo” don’t have the genetic capacity to adapt to rapid changes in their environment. "Thus the ability of these fish to remain in the lagoons over time will depend on our ability to maintain the quality of its habitat.” https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/clownfish-cant-adapt-to-rapid-environmental-changes/ 6 comments science
- A warming climate may render emperor penguins extinct by the end of this century. “If global climate keeps warming at the current rate, we expect emperor penguins in Antarctica to experience an 86 percent decline by the year 2100. At that point, it is very unlikely for them to bounce back.” https://www.whoi.edu/press-room/news-release/unless-warming-is-slowed-emperor-penguins-will-be-marching-towards-extinction/ 3 comments science
- Previously Unknown "Supercolony" of more than 1,500,000 Adelie Penguins Discovered in Antarctica. http://www.whoi.edu/news-release/unknown-supercolony-adelie-penguins-discovered-in-antarctica 3 comments science
- Cold waters that sank in polar regions hundreds of years ago during the Little Ice Age are still impacting deep Pacific Ocean temperature trends. The ongoing deep Pacific is cooling, which revises Earth's overall heat budget since 1750 downward by 35%. http://www.whoi.edu/news-release/the-long-memory-of-the-pacific-ocean 5 comments science
- New research has found the fingerprint of a massive flood of fresh water in the western Arctic, thought to be the cause of an ancient cold snap that began around 13,000 years ago. http://www.whoi.edu/news-release/following-the-fresh-water 6 comments science
- Previously Unknown "Supercolony" of more than 1,500,000 Adelie Penguins Discovered in Antarctica. http://www.whoi.edu/news-release/unknown-supercolony-adelie-penguins-discovered-in-antarctica 1031 comments science
- Beaches found to be releasing radioactive cesium into ocean 60 miles from Fukushima. Researchers say it is as if the sands acted as a 'sponge' that was contaminated in 2011 and is now slowly releasing radioactive cesium back into the ocean. http://www.whoi.edu/news-release/scientists-find-new-source-of-radioactivity-from-fukushima-disaster 201 comments science
- The impact of climate change on Antarctic sea ice threatens Emperor penguin colonies, which are unlikely to benefit from migrating to more hospitable locations http://www.whoi.edu/news-release/emperor-penguin-dispersal 5 comments science
- Volcanic Arcs Form by Deep Melting of Rock Mixtures: Study Changes Understanding of Processes Inside Subduction Zones http://www.whoi.edu/news-release/volcanic-arc-lavas 3 comments science
- Science AMA Series: We are the OASIS Science Team exploring submarine volcanoes in the eastern, equatorial Pacifc. We are using deep sea technology to investigate magma processes and the formation of submarine volcanoes. We will answer your questions LIVE from onboard the R/V Atlantis. AUA! https://www.whoi.edu/main/ships/atlantis 228 comments science
- Fukushima Site Still Leaking After Five Years, Research Shows http://www.whoi.edu/news-release/fukushima-site-still-leaking 71 comments worldnews
- Science AMA Series: Pulling the plug: Melting ice and draining lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet. We’re Laura Stevens and Dr. Sarah Das, glaciologists at MIT and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, here to talk about all things ice! AMA! http://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=50242&tid=3622&cid=217909 287 comments science
- Fukushima radioactivity is being detected more and more on the west coast of America. http://www.whoi.edu/news-release/fukushima-detection 6 comments worldnews
- New Study Finds the Origin of Earth's Water is not from Comets http://www.whoi.edu/news-release/originearthwater 5 comments space
- FAQ : Radiation from Fukushima : Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution http://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=83397&tid=3622&cid=94989 5 comments science
- Newly discovered ocean plume could be major source of iron: Study reveals micronutrient riches rising from the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge http://www.whoi.edu/news-release/new-source-of-iron 3 comments science
- Cytobot Gives Early Red Tide Warning Automated underwater microscope detects unexpected harmful algal bloom http://www.whoi.edu/oceanus/viewarticle.do?id=46486 10 comments science
- Iron used to artificially stimulate algae growth in oceans http://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=9779&tid=3622&cid=971 3 comments science