Hacker News
- UN Cybercrime Convention https://www.unodc.org/unodc/frontpage/2024/December/five-reasons-why-the-new-cybercrime-convention-matters.html 3 comments
- Opium production in Afghanistan drops by 95%: UN report https://www.unodc.org/documents/crop-monitoring/Afghanistan/Afghanistan_opium_survey_2023.pdf 5 comments
- Afghanistan opium cultivation in 2022 up by 32 per cent: UNODC survey https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/press/releases/2022/November/afghanistan-opium-cultivation-in-2022-up-by-32-per-cent_-unodc-survey.html 6 comments worldnews
- The way the media emphasizes that money is laundered using crypto, one would think that money laundering didn't exist untill crypto was created https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/money-laundering/overview.html 12 comments cryptocurrency
- Events in Afghanistan are a catalyst for US cannabis legalization https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/wdr2021.html 115 comments wallstreetbets
- Hey r/hockey, can we have a chat about fake jerseys? http://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/tocta/TOCTA_Report_2010_low_res.pdf 128 comments hockey
- The U.S. murder by firearm rate is 6 times higher than Canada's, and about 40 times higher than the U.K. Sensible gun legislation works. http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/homicide.html 15 comments politics
- International Homicide Statistics http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/ihs.html 2 comments worldnews
- for $5BB a year the US could buy out all of the opium produced in afghanistan (and i guess destroy it) http://www.unodc.org/documents/publications/afghanistan_opium_survey_2008.pdf 8 comments politics