Hacker News
- The Somali Pirates' Business Model http://www.undispatch.com/somali-pirates-buisiness-model 16 comments
- Can Cryptocurrency Accelerate Global Development? https://www.undispatch.com/can-cryptocurrency-accelerate-global-development/ 6 comments cryptocurrency
- New Research Shows Why The World Needs Global Cooperation to Preserve National Fish Stocks https://www.undispatch.com/new-research-shows-why-the-world-needs-global-cooperation-to-preserve-national-fish-stocks/ 12 comments worldnews
- The United States is Quitting the UN Human Rights Council. Here's Why That's a Bad Idea | UN Dispatch https://www.undispatch.com/the-united-states-is-quitting-the-un-human-rights-council-heres-why-thats-a-bad-idea/ 3 comments worldnews
- China and India are confronting climate change way faster than expected https://www.undispatch.com/china-india-confronting-climate-change-way-faster-expected/ 7 comments politics
- The White House Budget (If Passed) Would Destroy the Post World War Two World Order http://www.undispatch.com/white-house-budget-passed-destroy-post-world-war-two-world-order/ 5 comments politics
- 6 million people are at risk of starving in East Africa, and climate change deserves part of the blame http://www.undispatch.com/6-million-people-risk-starving-east-africa-climate-change-deserves-part-blame/ 19 comments worldnews
- Scope of Global Gag Rule changed http://www.undispatch.com/global-gag-rule-just-got-way-intense/ 3 comments politics
- 2015 will almost certainly break all records. NOAA, the American agency that tracks worldwide temperatures, announced Wednesday that last month had been the hottest September on record, and in fact took the biggest leap above the previous September that any month has displayed since 1880 http://www.undispatch.com/hottest-year-ever/ 11 comments worldnews
- UN trying to take over the web? Uh, nope... http://www.undispatch.com/no-the-un-is-not-trying-to-control-your-internet 3 comments technology
- Gaddafi Mines Misrata’s Harbor Using “Red Cross” Helicopters http://www.undispatch.com/gaddafi-mines-misratas-harbor-using-red-cross-helicopters 13 comments worldnews
- This Attack Is Different --- Kabul-based aid worker on what comes next after mob of enraged Afghans kills UN staff in area considered peaceful. "This is not the beginning of the end for the international community in Afghanistan. This is the end." http://www.undispatch.com/this-attack-is-different 121 comments worldnews
- A UN First! Both Israel and Palestine Co-Sponsor Resolution Condemning Libya Violence http://www.undispatch.com/both-israel-and-palestine-co-sponsor-resolution-condemning-libya-violence 7 comments worldnews
- To be eligible for employment as a Somali pirate, a volunteer should already possess a........... http://www.undispatch.com/somali-pirates-buisiness-model 4 comments worldnews
- Oh shit, yellow fever http://www.undispatch.com/archives/2008/02/disturbing_news.php 2 comments reddit.com