Hacker News
- Researchers develop new rocket-propulsion system (2020) https://www.ucf.edu/news/ucf-researchers-develop-groundbreaking-new-rocket-propulsion-system/ 15 comments
- UCF Team Develops AI That Can Detect Sarcasm in Social Media https://www.ucf.edu/news/ucf-team-develops-artificial-intelligence-that-can-detect-sarcasm-in-social-media/ 2 comments
- Broken Cable Damages Arecibo Observatory https://www.ucf.edu/news/broken-cable-damages-arecibo-observatory/ 11 comments
- UCF Expands Space Photonics Program with New Research Grants and Faculty Growth Plan https://www.ucf.edu/news/ucf-expands-space-photonics-program-with-new-research-grants-and-faculty-growth-plan/ 3 comments space
- Scientists Examine Unique Asteroid-Comet Hybrid. UCF researchers used the James Webb Space Telescope to reveal one-of-a-kind attributes of (2060) Chiron, a distant “centaur” in space sharing properties of both a comet and an asteroid, giving clues to our Solar System’s origins. https://www.ucf.edu/news/uncovering-a-centaurs-tracks-ucf-scientists-examine-unique-asteroid-comet-hybrid/ 2 comments science
- UCF Biologist Continues Unraveling Mystery of Magnetic Bacteria https://www.ucf.edu/news/ucf-biologist-continues-unraveling-mystery-of-magnetic-bacteria 2 comments technology
- Scientists Discover CO2 and CO Ices in Outskirts of Solar System for the First Time https://www.ucf.edu/news/scientists-discover-co2-and-co-ices-in-outskirts-of-solar-system-for-the-first-time/ 10 comments science
- UCF Researchers Develop New Technology to Recycle Greenhouse Gas into Energy, Materials https://www.ucf.edu/news/ucf-researchers-develop-new-technology-to-recycle-greenhouse-gas-into-energy-materials/ 18 comments technology
- Researcher Creates New Plasmonic Energy-saving Paint, Inspired by Butterflies http://www.ucf.edu/news/ucf-researcher-creates-worlds-first-energy-saving-paint-inspired-by-butterflies 2 comments science
- Arecibo Observatory data backlog reveals radar observations of 191 near-Earth asteroids https://www.ucf.edu/news/arecibo-observatory-scientists-publish-major-study-on-near-earth-asteroids/ 2 comments science
- UCF Researchers Create Lunar Regolith Bricks That Could Be Used to Construct Artemis Base Camp. Using resources found in space to construct off-world structures can drastically reduce the need to transport building materials. https://www.ucf.edu/news/ucf-researchers-create-lunar-regolith-bricks-that-could-be-used-to-construct-artemis-base-camp/ 5 comments space
- In a study appearing in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, researchers found that face masks reduce the distance airborne pathogens could travel, when speaking or coughing, by more than half compared to not wearing a mask. https://www.ucf.edu/news/face-masks-cut-distance-airborne-pathogens-could-travel-in-half-new-study-finds/ 53 comments science
- New study suggests that masks and a good ventilation system are more important than social distancing for reducing the airborne spread of COVID-19 in classrooms. https://www.ucf.edu/news/ucf-study-shows-masks-ventilation-stop-covid-spread-better-than-social-distancing/ 1104 comments science
- UCF-Developed Seawater Battery is Safer for People and Environment: The new seawater battery UCF helped develop is a step in the environmentally friendly direction as it replaces the toxic solvent that current lithium-ion batteries contain with benign seawater. https://www.ucf.edu/news/ucf-developed-seawater-battery-is-safer-for-people-and-environment/ 6 comments science
- Research shows supervisors who feel appreciated have better outlook at work. The study found that the external validation from feeling appreciated is especially powerful for those supervisors who lack a strong sense of validation from within. https://www.ucf.edu/news/bosses-need-appreciation-too/ 6 comments science
- AI Teachers Must Be Effective and Communicate Well to Be Accepted, New Study Finds. https://www.ucf.edu/news/ai-teachers-must-be-effective-and-communicate-well-to-be-accepted-new-study-finds/ 12 comments science
- New Study Suggests ADHD-like Behavior Helps Spur Entrepreneurial Activity - "The research suggests temporary ADHD-like tendencies generated by a lack of sleep, may be a benefit, rather than a hindrance in spurring ventures." https://www.ucf.edu/news/new-study-suggests-adhd-like-behavior-helps-spur-entrepreneurial-activity/ 2 comments science
- UCF researchers develop Rotating Detonation technology that promises higher efficiencies for upper-stage rocket engines https://www.ucf.edu/news/ucf-researchers-develop-groundbreaking-new-rocket-propulsion-system/ 7 comments science
- New Study Offers Clues to Origin of Laws. The study found that despite living in separate countries and legal codes separated by thousands of years, people have a universal intuition about whether a punishment fits a crime. https://www.ucf.edu/news/new-study-offers-clues-to-origin-of-laws/ 9 comments science
- New technology will allow spray or paint bridges, houses and skyscrapers with the material, which would then capture light, turn it into energy and feed it into the electrical grid. https://www.ucf.edu/news/artificial-intelligence-may-help-scientists-make-spray-on-solar-cells/ 9 comments science
- Processed foods may hold key to rise in autism, suggests a new study, which showed a link between the food pregnant women consume and the effects on a fetus’ developing brain, by identifying the changes when neuro stem cells are exposed to high levels of an acid commonly found in processed foods. https://www.ucf.edu/news/processed-foods-may-hold-key-to-rise-in-autism/ 3 comments science