Hacker News
- UNITED24 - The initiative of the President of Ukraine https://u24.gov.ua/ 7 comments military
- Let's show Ukraine there are still a lot of supporters out there https://u24.gov.ua/ 3 comments europe
- Ukraine to create huge new fleet of locally designed terrestrial combat robots https://u24.gov.ua/robots_fight 69 comments futurology
- #Fellas: we are officially requesting Article 24: Operation Sea Baby. Let's raise $221,000 towards a #SeaBaby drone that will bonk russian ships and give it a name! This is our 3rd fundraiser with #NAFO — let's make it legendary. https://u24.gov.ua/nafodrone_seababy 5 comments europe
- New website launched by President Zelenskyy to support Ukraine- VERY easy to donate crypto. https://u24.gov.ua/ 7 comments cryptocurrency
- Donate to Ukraine using crypto - United24 - The initiative of the President of Ukraine https://u24.gov.ua/ 13 comments cryptocurrency
Linking pages
- ‘Trump is a little guy, Musk is a big guy’: historian predicts trouble for president-elect | Books | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/books/2025/jan/01/elon-musk-donald-trump 620 comments
- Zelenskyy Launches Crowdfunding Campaign for Ukraine's War Effort https://www.businessinsider.com/zelenskyy-launches-crowdfunding-campaign-for-ukraines-war-effort-2022-5 179 comments
- New York Jets plan Week 3 tribute to Ukraine to raise awareness for relief efforts https://www.nfl.com/news/new-york-jets-plan-week-3-tribute-to-ukraine-to-raise-awareness-for-relief-effor?campaign=Twitter_atn 106 comments
- GitHub - a-parhom/LightlyShaders: Rounded window corners and outline effect for KWin. https://github.com/a-parhom/LightlyShaders 47 comments
- GitHub - easymodo/qimgv: Image viewer. Fast, easy to use. Optional video support. https://github.com/easymodo/qimgv 43 comments
- Russians sending money via crypto to help Ukraine https://sg.news.yahoo.com/russians-sending-crypto-help-ukraine-130119612.html 38 comments
- Russians sending money via crypto to help Ukraine https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/russians-sending-crypto-help-ukraine-130119612.html 23 comments
- Russians sending money via crypto to help Ukraine https://news.yahoo.com/russians-sending-crypto-help-ukraine-130119612.html 19 comments
- GitHub - OleksandrKvl/sbepp: C++ implementation of the FIX Simple Binary Encoding https://github.com/OleksandrKvl/sbepp 18 comments
- GitHub - dimitryzub/russo-ukraine-war-prediction-losses: Highlights rusian losses with predictions based on historic data from Ministry Defence of Ukraine 🐱👤 https://github.com/dimitryzub/russo-ukraine-war-prediction-losses 17 comments
- Ukraine Bought Weapons, Drones With Crypto Donations https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ukraine-bought-weapons-drones-crypto-161752563.html 14 comments
- How the St. Javelin meme raised a million dollars for Ukraine - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/09/18/ukraine-war-meme-fundraising/ 13 comments
- Imagine Dragons Unveil Special Way They're Helping The People Of Ukraine | iHeart https://www.iheart.com/content/2022-07-26-imagine-dragons-unveil-special-way-theyre-helping-the-people-of-ukraine/ 12 comments
- Rebels With a Cause - by Marc Baumann - Dematerialzd.xyz https://dematerialzd.substack.com/p/rebels-with-a-cause 9 comments
- GitHub - rehookify/datepicker: The tiny tool to create a date and range picker in your React applications https://github.com/rehookify/datepicker 8 comments
- Explosion in Poland Kills Two Near Border With Ukraine - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/14/world/europe/poland-explosion-ukraine-missile-strike.html?smid=share-url&unlocked_article_code=KZG1WYQPHXlXUbJTKdbMay4fSMOp5b3z1gRAHJCeGRHLsWSkEFFEw2spycWYzxcc_c9c66UFU5NOrOCwDVKvNs_29SnbY9pbe4ydqnCIvt0R1kO9m762FrAEiUz_vqgqxRRy82O_nQ90NGbaLflUaw9mHTg_QGOQN3-naAUb9cM7WCCF5B4fPlmshV93FrEaKTJzDnQXd9bgq-wd_NMyLs6073-MMGv5B8870PBTeRwW9upHB9BgVWIs99oaUG-6EPrbOW1yJ8dbYIRopJrHQ_arnWJRtyYwCHTW6PJHcK7G3ceJygbE96_sHa67yMRVIzI3-h8pbta3f6HtUDZQvYSpJiJT11luKdvF7X5oPn4EAoBlVBz4 7 comments
- Ukraine’s New Fundraising Platform Accepts Crypto, Allows Donors to Allocate Funds – Bitcoin News https://news.bitcoin.com/ukraines-new-fundraising-platform-accepts-crypto-allows-donors-to-allocate-funds/ 6 comments
- ''24,000 Friends of Ukraine'' fundraiser launches ahead of Independence Day | Ukrainska Pravda https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/08/20/7364144/ 3 comments
- Ukraine hosted a drone-building competition to see what new tech could make a difference in the war against Russia https://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-hosted-drone-building-competition-224144014.html 3 comments
- Leveraging Seized Russian Assets for Ukraine💙💛 | by Unintended Purposes | Unintended Purposes | Oct, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/@unintendedpurposes/leveraging-seized-russian-assets-for-ukraine-e95a0fd2d831 1 comment