Hacker News
- Supercapacitors Batteries charges in seconds without degrading http://today.ucf.edu/phone-charges-seconds-ucf-scientists-bring-closer-reality/ 98 comments
- Scientists Invent New Way to Control Light http://today.ucf.edu/scientists-invent-new-way-control-light-critical-next-gen-super-computing/ 11 comments
- Study: Google Glass Is a Driving Distraction, but Still Better Than Smartphones http://today.ucf.edu/drivers-dont-trade-smartphone-google-glass-yet/ 2 comments
- New NanoTech May Provide Power Storage in Cables, Clothes http://today.ucf.edu/new-nanotech-may-provide-power-storage-cables-clothes/ 5 comments
- UCF Researchers Develop First Supersymmetric Laser Array https://today.ucf.edu/ucf-researchers-develop-first-supersymmetric-laser-array/ 4 comments science
- High IQs aren’t going to be enough to stop an ecological disaster. It’s going to take social intelligence, too, finds a new study. The findings could help identify why some groups better manage shared resources, such as water or fisheries, than others. https://today.ucf.edu/general-intelligence-wont-enough-prevent-ecological-disasters-ucf-study-finds/ 112 comments science
- Pluto a Planet? New Research from UCF Suggests Yes https://today.ucf.edu/pluto-planet-research/ 4 comments space
- Pluto a Planet? New Research from UCF Suggests Yes - The reason Pluto lost its status in 2006 is not valid, according to a recent study led by planetary scientist https://today.ucf.edu/pluto-planet-research/ 19 comments space
- By studying the mechanics of a squeezed orange and its unique multilayered peel, scientists may be able to more accurately predict bridge failures or develop new ways to deliver airborne medicine. https://today.ucf.edu/orange-peels-may-hold-secret-airborne-medicine-safer-bridges/ 3 comments science
- UCF to lead operations at Arecibo, and keep the legendary observatory open. https://today.ucf.edu/ucf-led-consortium-manage-arecibo-observatory-puerto-rico/ 12 comments space
- Study Finds Bacteria in Milk Linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis https://today.ucf.edu/study-finds-bacteria-milk-linked-rheumatoid-arthritis/ 18 comments science
- Study uses new data and advanced models to improve predictions regarding global sea levels. Results suggest that extreme sea levels will likely occur more frequently than previously predicted, particularly in the west coast regions of the U.S. and in large parts of Europe and Australia. https://today.ucf.edu/new-data-advanced-modeling-technique-suggest-extreme-coastal-sea-levels-likely/ 3 comments science
- A research team has developed a graphene-based transistor that could someday lead to computers that are a thousand times faster and use a hundredth of the power https://today.ucf.edu/graphene-transistor-mean-computers-1000-times-faster/ 13 comments science
- UCF Research Could Bring ‘Drastically’ Higher Resolution To Your Phone and TV http://today.ucf.edu/ucf-research-bring-drastically-higher-resolution-phone-tv/ 7 comments technology
- Cheap prostate cancer test using antibody coated gold nanoparticles is much better than PSA http://today.ucf.edu/cheap-prostate-cancer-test-better-than-psa/ 11 comments technology
- UCF study is first scientific look at using Google Glass to text while driving (x-post from r/technology) http://today.ucf.edu/drivers-dont-trade-smartphone-google-glass-yet/ 6 comments science
- UCF study is first scientific look at using Google Glass to text while driving http://today.ucf.edu/drivers-dont-trade-smartphone-google-glass-yet/ 4 comments technology
- New NanoTech May Provide Power Storage in Cables, Clothes: Scientist have developed a way to both transmit and store electricity in a single lightweight copper wire. http://today.ucf.edu/new-nanotech-may-provide-power-storage-cables-clothes/ 5 comments science