Hacker News
- HingeGPT https://thetab.com/uk/2022/12/19/chat-gpt-chat-bot-286778 4 comments
- Bristol students given pre-recorded lectures by dead professor https://thetab.com/uk/bristol/2022/02/24/bristol-students-given-pre-recorded-lectures-by-dead-professor-48219?s=09 10 comments
- A student who ‘joked’ about blowing up his plane on Snapchat is now on trial over it (After 'bomb' joke shared privately on Snapchat via free airport wifi intercepted by UK national security agency) https://thetab.com/uk/2024/01/24/student-on-trial-after-bomb-hoax-where-he-joked-about-blowing-up-his-plane-on-snapchat-348120 8 comments technology
- Turnitin is officially going to detect if you've used an AI chatbot in your essay https://thetab.com/uk/2023/02/09/turnitin-chatgpt-essay-detection-294120 243 comments technology
- Top 10 celebrities with largest private jet CO2 emissions - Taylor Swift tops list with 170 flights in 2022 https://thetab.com/uk/2022/07/25/celebrity-private-jets-carbon-emissions-climate-change-263281 205 comments worldnews
- Sheffield SU officer 'urged students to be campus spies for Chinese government' https://thetab.com/uk/sheffield/2020/02/12/sheffield-university-hong-kong-chinese-students-sissi-li-42125 3 comments europe
- Sheffield Student Union officer 'urged students to be campus spies for Chinese government' in UK https://thetab.com/uk/sheffield/2020/02/12/sheffield-university-hong-kong-chinese-students-sissi-li-42125 137 comments worldnews
- Chinese student at University of Sheffield arrested when a Hong Kong student rally in support of pro-democracy protests was hijacked by Chinese students https://thetab.com/uk/sheffield/2019/10/07/sheffield-student-arrested-and-suspended-over-hong-kong-protests-40071 18 comments worldnews
- Top UK University makes savings of £1,111,112 withholding the pay of 635 staff that took part in strike action, but won't reimburse students that missed a month of teaching https://thetab.com/uk/manchester/2018/06/26/the-university-of-manchester-saved-over-1-million-due-to-the-strikes-35456 72 comments worldnews
- Students facing expulsion as anti-Semitic group chat with over 200 Physics students at top UK University exposed https://thetab.com/uk/manchester/2018/05/08/dont-be-a-jew-first-year-anti-semitic-physics-group-chat-exposed-34571 214 comments worldnews
- Leading UK university responds to flood of negative student reviews by removing the reviews & ratings section of their Facebook page, and banning students from commenting on their social media posts https://thetab.com/uk/manchester/2018/05/08/uom-disable-facebook-ratings-after-flood-of-negative-reviews-34433 21 comments worldnews
- Furries for Trump are the anti-Semites in animal costumes who want to Make America Great Again http://thetab.com/us/2017/03/16/furries-for-trump-are-the-anti-semites-in-animal-costumes-who-want-to-make-america-great-again-62904 11 comments politics
- Alex Jones claims he’s being sued for investigating Pizzagate http://thetab.com/us/2017/02/27/alex-jones-pizzagate-61617 15 comments politics
- Meet the neo-Nazi coming to put up white pride posters on your campus http://thetab.com/us/2017/02/15/nathan-damigo-identity-evropa-60697 9 comments politics
- Cambridge University student in a white bow tie sets fire to a £20 note in front of a freezing homeless person http://thetab.com/uk/cambridge/2017/02/09/exclusive-cambridge-student-white-tie-burns-cash-front-homeless-person-88773 17 comments worldnews
- Here's why you should care about Russia interfering with our election http://thetab.com/us/pitt/2016/12/13/dont-care-russia-interfering-election-5340 4 comments politics
- Richard Spencer’s Reddit history shows how much of a loser he is http://thetab.com/us/2016/11/22/richard-spencer-alt-right-55806 16 comments politics
- Pitt Student Solidarity Coalition claim police brutality during protest http://thetab.com/us/pitt/2016/11/18/video-pitt-student-solidarity-coalition-claim-police-brutality-last-nights-protest-5030 3 comments politics
- Democrats Protest Tomorrow At The DNC - Demanding Reform and Accountability http://thetab.com/us/columbia/2016/11/10/spoke-columbia-student-protesting-dnc-3444 1026 comments politics
- Bon Jovi performed for the Clinton campaign in Pittsburgh; Bill Clinton unexpectedly shows up http://thetab.com/us/pitt/2016/10/28/bon-jovi-4443 3 comments politics
- Trump's trying to sue a nightclub in the UK for using his 'image' in an inappropriate manner for Halloween. http://thetab.com/uk/warwick/2016/10/17/donald-trump-legal-spat-kasbah-16411 16 comments politics
- I got into an argument with a cop over Black Lives Matter and he lost his job because of it http://thetab.com/us/columbia/2016/09/29/how-i-got-into-an-argument-with-a-cop-over-black-lives-matter-and-he-lost-his-job-because-of-it-2572 13 comments politics
- So there’s a naked Trump statue with a micropenis in Union Square http://thetab.com/us/2016/08/18/trump-statue-48716 7 comments politics
- How voting machines can be faulty http://thetab.com/us/2016/08/12/how-electronic-voting-machines-can-be-faulty-46986 4 comments politics
- An expert tells us why the DEA was wrong to not change marijuana’s Schedule 1 status http://thetab.com/us/2016/08/11/an-expert-tells-us-why-the-dea-was-wrong-to-not-change-marijuanas-schedule-1-status-47216 3 comments politics
- Meet the veterans who think Trump is a terrible choice for President http://thetab.com/us/2016/08/01/meet-the-veterans-who-think-trump-is-a-terrible-choice-for-president-43697 23 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders delegates will walk out of Hillary Clinton’s speech tonight http://thetab.com/us/2016/07/28/bernie-sanders-delegates-will-walk-out-of-hillary-clintons-speech-tonight-42493 7007 comments politics
- Bernie supporters are now turning to Jill Stein for hope http://thetab.com/us/2016/07/28/bernie-supporters-are-now-turning-to-jill-stein-for-hope-40548?utm_source=student&utm_medium=ec&utm_campaign=tabpages 63 comments politics
- I am at the DNC in Philadelphia and I cannot find a single Hillary supporter http://thetab.com/us/2016/07/25/dnc-philadelphia-cannot-find-single-hillary-supporter-40414?utm_source=professional&utm_medium=ec&utm_campaign=tabpages 168 comments politics
- Bernie delegates shout down CA secretary of state at DNC breakfast http://thetab.com/us/2016/07/25/bernie-delegates-dominate-ca-delegation-breakfast-40266?utm_source=student&utm_medium=ec&utm_campaign=tabpages 27 comments politics
- Despite everything, Bernie Sanders' energy will prevail http://thetab.com/us/2016/06/27/despite-everything-bernie-sanders-energy-will-prevail-24707 5 comments politics
- I was able to buy an AR-15 in five minutes https://thetab.com/us/2016/06/14/i-was-able-to-buy-an-ar-15-in-five-minutes-19833?utm_source=student&utm_medium=ec&utm_campaign=tabpages 86 comments politics
- My university's union has had a new rebrand and everyone but me seems to hate it, what are your thoughts? http://thetab.com/uk/soton/2016/05/15/exclusive-everything-us-hasnt-told-us-susu-rebrand-66039 8 comments web_design
- Judge Rules Against Opening NY Primary http://thetab.com/us/2016/04/19/judge-rules-against-opening-the-ny-primary-3593 42 comments politics
- Why the Wyoming caucus result is more interesting than 14 delegates http://thetab.com/us/2016/04/10/why-tonights-wyoming-result-is-a-lot-more-interesting-than-14-delegates-3313 4 comments politics
- There's a yuge motion passing through NY Assembly right now http://thetab.com/us/2016/04/11/theres-huge-motion-passing-ny-assembly-right-now-3361?utm_source=local&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=pages 4 comments politics
- Bernie’s campaign just said it can get Hillary’s pledged delegates http://thetab.com/us/2016/03/16/bernies-campaign-thinks-can-get-hillarys-pledged-delegates-defect-2690 69 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders is coming to the University of Florida | "Bernie will make an appearance at the University of Florida on Thursday March 10th. His visit comes five days before the Florida primary." http://thetab.com/us/florida/2016/03/09/breaking-bernie-sanders-is-coming-to-uf-1984 12 comments politics
- London University Student Union Bans ex-student from talking about his experiences fighting ISIS (The justification given: "One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist") http://thetab.com/uk/london/2015/11/04/union-ban-ex-student-from-talking-about-his-experiences-fighting-isis-19921 177 comments europe
- Grandad’s delight after eggstraordinary 25 billion to one meal http://thetab.com/uk/bristol/2015/08/18/old-man-excited-after-eggstraordinary-25-billion-to-one-meal-18366 4 comments nottheonion