- Jury of UK Phone-Hacking Trial Told Not to be 'Dazzled' by Defendants' Lifestyle: "No one is so powerful they can ignore the law." http://www.thecontributor.com/civil-rights/jury-uk-phone-hacking-trial-told-not-be-dazzled-defendants-lifestyle 6 comments worldnews
- The Untaxed Americans: While average Americans pay up to a 10% sales tax on necessities, millionaire investors pay just a .00002% SEC fee (2 cents for every thousand dollars) on stock transactions. http://thecontributor.com/economy/untaxed-americans-speculators-hustlers-and-freeloaders-wall-street 79 comments politics
- A Congress Of the Wealthy, By the Wealthy: Lawmakers’ favorite investments are “too big to fail institutions” like Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and JP Morgan Chase. Is it any wonder that these institutions haven’t been broken up? http://thecontributor.com/economy/congress-wealthy-wealthy-and-wealthy 137 comments politics
- Capitalism is supposed to provide everyone the opportunity to benefit from our country's productivity. But it hasn't worked that way for the past 35 years. http://thecontributor.com/economy/another-shocking-wealth-grab-rich 804 comments politics
- Tea Party Nirvana in West Virginia: Conservatives should be darn proud of the state, because for years it has faithfully echoed their ethos. http://thecontributor.com/tea-party-nirvana-west-virginia 39 comments politics
- Corporate Gluttony This Holiday Season: "As Goldman Sachs would put it, "we have to tolerate the inequality as a way to achieve greater prosperity and opportunity for all." http://thecontributor.com/corporate-gluttony-holiday-season 11 comments politics
- Seven Ripoffs Capitalists Would Like to Keep out of the Media: "Crash the economy, get your money back. Die with a student loan, debt is transferred to parents." http://thecontributor.com/economy/seven-ripoffs-capitalists-would-keep-out-media 285 comments politics
- World's Second Largest Clothing Retailer Pledges Living Wages for Factory Workers http://thecontributor.com/hm-pledges-living-wage-for-factory-workers 41 comments worldnews
- GOP proves it's owned by the banks, votes to repeal Dodd Frank http://thecontributor.com/economy/behest-wall-street-gop-led-house-votes-repeal-dodd-frank 16 comments politics
- "Doesn't Make Sense": Obama Touts Need for Immigration Reform http://thecontributor.com/obamapass-immigration-reform-year 18 comments politics
- Congresswoman: Freedom of Religion Means Imposing Your Views on Everyone Else http://thecontributor.com/rep-vicky-hartzler-r-freedom-religion-only-means-you-can-impose-your-views-everyone-else#sthash.dbwn5rtg.dpuf 3 comments politics
- Elections Have Consequences: "if Republicans are so sure Obamacare will be a failure, then why not let it fail and let the Democrats pay a heavy electoral price for said failure?" http://thecontributor.com/health-care/elections-have-consequences-except-minds-republicans 1250 comments politics
- Fox Guest: 'Fracking Is Actually Incredibly Good For Our Environment' http://thecontributor.com/media-matters-staff-fox-guest-fracking-actually-incredibly-good-our-environment 3 comments nottheonion
- AP Fact Check: Obama's Syria Case Still Lacks Proof http://thecontributor.com/ap-fact-check-obamas-syria-case-still-lacks-proof 26 comments worldnews
- Despite Support From Only Nine Percent of Americans, War Drums Grow Louder on Syria http://thecontributor.com/despite-support-only-9-americans-war-drums-beat-loudly-syria 6 comments politics
- New Agreement Holds Cayman Islands Accountable for US Taxes http://thecontributor.com/economy/agreement-holds-cayman-islands-accountable-us-taxes 23 comments politics
- Conservatives Angry At 'Elysium' for Showing World Their Ideology Would Create http://thecontributor.com/ari-rabin-havt-elysium-biased 1002 comments politics
- TX Senator Ted Cruz Profited from Shady Clients During Campaign http://thecontributor.com/ted-cruz-made-1-million-representing-sketchy-clients-while-running-senate 12 comments politics
- Oh, Brother: Emails from Jeb Bush’s Education Privatization Group Prioritize Profit Over Pupils http://thecontributor.com/big-brother-how-about-baby-brother-jeb-bushs-education-privatization-group-has-child-harming-emails 3 comments politics
- 80% of Low-Wage Workers Lack Even One Paid Sick Day a Year http://thecontributor.com/80-low-wage-workers-lack-even-one-paid-sick-day-year 241 comments politics
- More Evidence: Fracking Linked to Earthquakes, Water Contamination http://thecontributor.com/fracking-linked-earthquakes-water-contamination 7 comments politics
- SNAP Judgement: GOP Looking to Make Drastic Cuts in Food Stamp Program http://thecontributor.com/economy/oh-snap-gop-committee-votes-gut-food-stamp-spending 48 comments politics
- In a vote that largely went uncovered, House Republicans, with help from some Wall Street-friendly Democrats, voted to repeal the Dodd-Frank Act's check on excessive executive pay http://thecontributor.com/business/congress-only-ceos-could-love 1042 comments politics
- Rick Perry to Women Workers: 82 Cents on the Dollar Is Good Enough http://thecontributor.com/rick-perrys-veto-fair-pay-act-puts-corporate-interests-ahead-texas-women 9 comments politics
- Texas Congressman: Masturbating Fetuses Prove Need for Abortion Ban http://thecontributor.com/texas-congressman-masturbating-fetuses-prove-need-abortion-ban 3 comments politics
- 400 individuals on the Forbes list made more just from their stock market gains last year than the total annual government budgets for food, housing, and education combined. http://thecontributor.com/half-america-or-near-poverty 150 comments politics
- Bible Belt Unbuckled: Deep South Towns Top List of Porn Site Visitors http://thecontributor.com/three-alabama-cities-top-religious-porn-lists 407 comments politics
- The World Bank estimates the total cost end malnutrition would be $10.3 to $11.8 billion annually. Apple alone underpaid its 2012 taxes by $11 billion. An Apple exec's response? "We don't have an obligation to solve America's problems." http://thecontributor.com/economy/globalization-hypocrisy 3 comments politics
- The Real IRS Scandal: Agency Audits Found Wealthy Taxpayers Failed to Pay $4.8 Billion in Taxes http://thecontributor.com/real-irs-scandal-agency-audits-found-wealthy-taxpayers-failed-pay-48-billion-taxes 54 comments politics
- Donald Trump: The Rape Apologist - Trump has basically blamed all servicewomen for being assaulted. They’re culpable in their own rape because a) they’re women and b) they’re serving alongside men. http://thecontributor.com/editors-contribution/donald-trump-rape-apologist 78 comments politics
- The Corporate Betrayal of America: 280 top-earning Fortune 500 companies, which together paid only half of the maximum 35 percent corporate tax rate, received $223 billion in tax subsidies. http://thecontributor.com/opinion/corporate-betrayal-america 790 comments politics
- From 1987 to 2008, corporations paid an average of 22.5 percent in federal taxes. Since the recession, this has dropped to 10 percent -- even though their profits have doubled in less than ten years. http://thecontributor.com/opinion/march-madness-5th-straight-year-extreme-corporate-tax-avoidance 332 comments politics
- The Minimum Wage Would Be $21.72 an Hour if it Rose with Productivity Since 1968 http://thecontributor.com/minimum-wage-would-be-2172-hour-if-it-rose-productivity-1968 9 comments politics
- Is the Minimum Wage Argument the New Democratic Golden Ticket? http://thecontributor.com/klein-there-were-better-ways-address-wages-minimum-wage-increase-republicans-squashed-them 4 comments politics
- Ending Income Inequality Requires Going After Capital Gains http://thecontributor.com/ending-income-inequality-requires-going-after-capital-gains 10 comments politics
- 87% of Americans Say Tax the Wealthy More to Protect Social Security Benefits http://thecontributor.com/87-americans-say-tax-wealthy-more-protect-social-security-benefits 3886 comments politics
- The Wall Street Journal Doesn't Think Anyone Makes Under $100k a Year http://thecontributor.com/wall-street-journal-doesnt-think-anyone-makes-under-100k-year 23 comments politics
- Anti-abortion ad campaign manager: "Abortion doesn't unrape you." http://thecontributor.com/contributor-columnists/abortion-doesnt-unrape-you 13 comments politics
- CNN, Huffington Post, Slate Report Wrong Facebook Page For Alleged CT Killer http://thecontributor.com/cnn-huffington-post-slate-report-wrong-facebook-page-alleged-ct-killer 5 comments politics
- Jon Stewart Knocks ‘Right To Work’ In Michigan: ‘It’s Really A Right To Work AROUND The Unions’ http://thecontributor.com/jon-stewart-knocks-%E2%80%98right-work%E2%80%99-michigan-%E2%80%98it%E2%80%99s-really-right-work-around-unions%E2%80%99 3 comments politics