- Why are there suddenly so many NFT exhibitions around the world? https://thebitcoinnews.com/why-are-there-suddenly-so-many-nft-exhibitions-around-the-world/ 15 comments economy
- More Shopping outlets are accepting Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash as Payment https://thebitcoinnews.com/more-shopping-outlets-are-accepting-bitcoin-and-bitcoin-cash-as-payment/ 21 comments cryptocurrency
- Tokamak Network Is Increasing Blockchain Adoption Through Its On-demand Platform https://thebitcoinnews.com/tokamak-network-is-increasing-blockchain-adoption-through-its-on-demand-platform/ 3 comments ethereum
- Bitcoin (BTC) Price Gains 13% to Hit $8500 in 10 Minutes https://thebitcoinnews.com/bitcoin-btc-price-gains-13-to-hit-8500-in-10-minutes/ 78 comments btc
- Cboe Beats CME to the Market, Will Launch Bitcoin Futures December 10. Cboe may add futures trading on bitcoin cash to differentiate its offering from that of the larger CME. https://thebitcoinnews.com/cboe-beats-cme-to-the-market-will-launch-bitcoin-futures-december-10/ 8 comments btc
- Ethereum Metropolis appears in late September https://thebitcoinnews.com/ethereum-metropolis-appears-late-september/ 64 comments ethereum