Hacker News
- London student reported to police: “Enchanted by anarchism and individualism” http://the-libertarian.co.uk/london-student-reported-to-police-enchanted-by-anarchism-and-individualism/ 177 comments
- London Student Reported to the Police: for "mentioning the ideologies of anarchism and individualism on his blog" http://the-libertarian.co.uk/london-student-reported-to-police-enchanted-by-anarchism-and-individualism/ 398 comments worldnews
- Author of UK 'Terrorism Act' (2000), used to detain David Miranda, rebukes Home Office: “I am very clear that this does not apply, either on its terms or in its spirit, to Mr. Miranda” http://the-libertarian.co.uk/guardian-journalists-partner-detained-under-terrorism-act-acts-author-speaks-out/ 22 comments worldnews
- The Words That The NSA Think Make You A Terrorist http://the-libertarian.co.uk/the-words-that-the-nsa-thinks-makes-you-a-terrorist/ 41 comments politics
- Turkish Protesters Sing ‘Les Miserables’ protest song http://the-libertarian.co.uk/turkish-protesters-sing-les-miserables-protest-song/ 15 comments worldnews
- A Libertarian Approach to North Korea. http://the-libertarian.co.uk/a-libertarian-approach-to-north-korea/ 7 comments politics