- Scientists said they’ve found a link between high rates of alcohol consumption and those who have long ring fingers relative to their pointer fingers. Overall, men show higher alcohol consumption and related deaths from alcohol abuse than women. https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2024/11/how-long-ring-fingers-can-point-to-a-love-of-alcohol.php 236 comments science
- Choosing sugary drinks over fruit juice for toddlers linked to risk of adult obesity. Research found children who drank fizzy drinks such as cola or sugar-sweetened fruit cordials before the age of two gained more weight when they were 24 years old. https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2024/04/choosing-sugary-drinks-over-fruit-juice-for-toddlers-linked-to-risk-of-adult-obesity.php 594 comments science
- Swansea University academics develop world’s first printable solar cell https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2023/03/swansea-university-academics-develop-worlds-first-completely-roll-to-roll-printable-perovskite-solar-cell.php 9 comments energy
- Swansea University academics develop world’s first printable solar cell https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2023/03/swansea-university-academics-develop-worlds-first-completely-roll-to-roll-printable-perovskite-solar-cell.php 29 comments worldnews
- Lost islands cited in Welsh folklore and poetry are plausible, new evidence on the evolution of the coastline of west Wales has revealed https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2022/09/lost-islands-cited-in-welsh-folklore-and-poetry-are-plausible-new-study-of-coastal-geography-and-a-medieval-map-suggests.php 115 comments history
- Seeing a larger number of species on urban coastlines - from marine animals to seaweed - is likely to improve the wellbeing of local people and visitors, new research from a team at Swansea University has revealed. The findings provide further evidence that biodiversity brings wide-ranging benefits. https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2022/05/seeing-more-species-at-the-coast-improves-wellbeing--new-research-underlines-benefits-of-biodiversity.php 3 comments science
- The noise created by the Earth’s movements has been used to build up a detailed picture of the geological conditions beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet and the impact on ice flow. https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2021/12/using-the-earths-noise-to-see-beneath-the-greenland-ice-sheet--new-research-gives-most-detailed-picture-yet.php 5 comments science
- Printed carbon perovskite solar cells have been described as a likely front runner to the market because they are efficient, cheap and easy to make. Scientists have found a way to replace the toxic, unsustainable solvents currently needed to make the next generation of solar technology. https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2021/05/a-safer-greener-way-to-make-solar-cells.php 28 comments science
- New research has indicated that consuming a diet high in the sugar fructose might prevent the proper functioning of peoples’ immune systems in ways that has, until now, largely been unknown. https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2021/02/high-fructose-diets-could-cause-immune-system-damage---new-research-.php 64 comments science
- For decades educators have been advised to match their teaching to the supposed 'learning styles' of students. However, a new paper highlights that this ineffective approach is still believed by teachers and calls for a more evidence-based approach to teacher-training. https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2021/01/new-review-says-ineffective-learning-styles-theory-persists-in-education-around-the-world-.php 48 comments science
- A fast, green and one-step method for producing porous carbon spheres, which are a vital component for carbon capture technology and for new ways of storing renewable energy, has been developed by Swansea University researchers. https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2020/12/faster-greener-way-of-producing-carbon-spheres-could-improve-carbon-capture-technology.php 8 comments science
- Major study shows climate change can cause abrupt impacts on dryland ecosystems. Increases in aridity can damage ecosystems in areas where 2 billion people live. The team pulled together the largest compilation of empirical data to date to evaluate how key ecosystems change https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-events/news/2020/02/major-study-shows-climate-change-can-cause-abrupt-impacts-on-dryland-ecosystems.php 5 comments science
- Just an hour or two of outdoor learning every week engages children, improves their wellbeing and increases teachers’ job satisfaction, suggests a new study involving three primary schools that had adopted teaching their curriculum in the natural environment for at least an hour a week. https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/latest-research/studyrevealshowjustanhourortwoofoutdoorlearningeveryweekengageschildrenimprovestheirwellbeingandincreasesteachersjobsatisfaction.php 12 comments science
- A study by Swansea University has revealed that the use of contract cheating, where students pay someone else to write their assignments, is rising rapidly around the world. The study analysed 71 survey samples from 65 studies dating back as far as 1978, covering 54,514 participant https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/latest-research/lateststudyrevealssharpriseinessaycheatinggloballywithmillionsofstudentsinvolved.php 4 comments science
- A study by Swansea University has revealed that the use of contract cheating, where students pay someone else to write their assignments, is rising rapidly around the world. The study analysed 71 survey samples from 65 studies dating back as far as 1978, covering 54,514 participants. https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/latest-research/lateststudyrevealssharpriseinessaycheatinggloballywithmillionsofstudentsinvolved.php 6 comments science
- Excessive posting of photos on social media is associated with increase in narcissism. “The lack of immediate ‘direct’ social censure, may offer them the opportunity to inflict aspects of their narcissistic personality, present themselves in a grandiose manner, and realise fantasies of omnipotence.” https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/latest-research/excessivepostingofphotosonsocialmediaisassociatedwithincreaseinnarcissism.php 8 comments science
- Physicists working at CERN, describe the first observation of spectral line shapes in antihydrogen, the antimatter equivalent of hydrogen http://www.swansea.ac.uk/media-centre/latest-research/firstobservationofthehyperfinesplittinginantihydrogen.php 198 comments science
- Scientists find that internet withdrawal increases heart rate and blood pressure http://www.swansea.ac.uk/media-centre/latest-research/scientistsfindthatinternetwithdrawalincreasesheartrateandbloodpressure.php 4 comments technology
- Scientists have found that some people who use the internet a lot experience significant physiological changes such as increased heart rate and blood pressure when they finish using the internet. http://www.swansea.ac.uk/media-centre/latest-research/scientistsfindthatinternetwithdrawalincreasesheartrateandbloodpressure.php 6 comments science
- Antidepressant prescriptions for children increased 28% in the past decade despite actual diagnoses of depression decreasing http://www.swansea.ac.uk/media-centre/latest-news/medicalisationofyoungmindsnewstudyreveals28riseinantidepressantprescribingamongst6-18yearolds.php 17 comments science
- Alan Cox gets an honorary degree http://www.swansea.ac.uk/graduation/honoraryawards/alancox/ 4 comments linux