Hacker News
- Docker, Django, Traefik, and IntercoolerJS: My go-to stack for building a SaaS https://www.simplecto.com/docker-django-traefik-intercoolerjs-is-my-stack-for-2021/ 343 comments
- Google Is Killing Our Productivity. What We Can Do About It? https://www.simplecto.com/google-killing-productivity/ 2 comments
- The complexity of downloading favicons https://www.simplecto.com/complexity-downloading-favicons-told-in-15-plus-edge-cases/ 37 comments
- Tech enthusiast discovers joy in simplicity of HTMX, embracing hypermedia trend, sparking FOMO https://simplecto.com/tech-enthusiast-discovers-joy-in-simplicity-of-htmx-embracing-hypermedia-trend-sparking-fomo/ 4 comments htmx
- Quick snippets on using HTMX, Django Admin, and Many-To-Many relationships https://www.simplecto.com/htmx-and-the-list_editable-in-django-admin/ 12 comments django
- Updated for 2021: Docker, Django, Traefik, and IntercoolerJS is My Go-To Stack for Building a SaaS in 2021 https://www.simplecto.com/docker-django-traefik-intercoolerjs-is-my-stack-for-2021/ 24 comments django
- The Complexity of Downloading Favicons, told in 15+ edge cases https://www.simplecto.com/complexity-downloading-favicons-told-in-15-plus-edge-cases/?ref=/r/webdev 3 comments webdev
- The Complexity of Downloading Favicons, told in 15+ edge cases https://www.simplecto.com/complexity-downloading-favicons-told-in-15-plus-edge-cases/?ref=/r/programming 18 comments programming
- Docker, Django, Traefik, and IntercoolerJS is My Go-To Stack for simplicity and future proofing https://www.simplecto.com/docker-django-traefik-intercoolerjs-is-my-stack-for-2020/ 11 comments django
- Django is STILL my go-to application framework in 2020. Plus supporting libraries I use on most projects https://www.simplecto.com/django-my-go-to-application-framework-2020/ 33 comments django