Hacker News
- My (Neo)Vim workflow https://seniormars.com/posts/neovim-workflow/ 72 comments
- Everyday is a Birthday A Journey to a classic problem through Math and Rust https://seniormars.com/posts/everyday-birthday/ 2 comments
- An Experienced (Neo)Vimmer's Workflow https://seniormars.com/posts/neovim-workflow/ 18 comments neovim
- [OC] A Beautiful Terminal Email Client As An Alternative To Gmail: The Old Dog Neomutt And Pals! https://seniormars.com/posts/neomutt/ 2 comments unixporn
- A Terminal Email Client As An Alternative To Gmail: The Old Dog Neomutt And Pals! https://seniormars.com/posts/neomutt/ 10 comments linux
- A Terminal Email Client As An Alternative To Gmail: The Old Dog Neomutt And Pals! https://seniormars.com/posts/neomutt/ 5 comments commandline