Hacker News
- Tell Congress: We Stand Firm for Net Neutrality https://secure.freepress.net/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&id=363&page=UserAction 7 comments
- Seriously, everyone here had better f@ckin' sign this shit for Net Neutrality. Send some emails, it's easy. https://secure.freepress.net/site/advocacy?cmd=display&page=useraction&id=356 5 comments reddit.com
- Stop the Secret Meetings at the FCC with AT&T, Verizon and Google. https://secure.freepress.net/site/advocacy?cmd=display&page=useraction&id=465 64 comments politics
- No shocker: Let's see how much money the 74 Congressional Democrats have received from the telecoms throughout their political careers, compared to the average. https://secure.freepress.net/site/SPageNavigator/NN_members 9 comments politics
- Contact The Democrats Who Are Against Net Neutrality (Full List W/ Contact Info) https://secure.freepress.net/site/spagenavigator/nn_members 301 comments politics
- For those of you that aren't aware, there's a huge battle being fought in Congress right now to eliminate net neutrality. If you care about your rights as an Internet user, you must support Net Neutrality. Take one minute to fill out this form and have your voice heard. https://secure.freepress.net/site/advocacy?cmd=display&page=useraction&id=356 66 comments politics
- No Bailout for AT&T, Comcast and Verizon https://secure.freepress.net/site/advocacy?cmd=display&page=useraction&id=297 2 comments economy
- Tell the FCC: Open White Spaces for Everyone https://secure.freepress.net/site/spagenavigator/whitespaces 2 comments technology
- More unconstitutional arrests and police brutality at RNC https://secure.freepress.net/site/advocacy?cmd=display&page=useraction&id=281 2 comments reddit.com