Hacker News
- TLDR: Submerged continent found in the Indian ocean http://www.scilogs.com/allotrope/tldr-submerged-continent-found-in-the-indian-ocean/ 4 comments
- Researchers find that nostalgia improves creativity. Participants asked to recall a nostalgic memory wrote more creative prose than participants who recalled an everyday event. http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/nostalgia-is-a-muse/ 18 comments science
- Fourth Grade Math: From Frustration to Realization - One Dad's Story http://www.scilogs.com/the-leap/fourth-grade-math-a-dads-journey-from-frustration-to-realization/ 18 comments math
- A new study from the University of Pennsylvania has found that 91% of health-related webpages relay sensitive information to third parties including Google, Facebook and even data brokers such as Experian. http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/the-invisible-web-undermines-health-information-privacy/ 805 comments science
- Abel prize winner John Tate: "... I got the idea that there was no point in doing mathematical research if you weren't like [history's greatest mathematicians], and I knew I wasn't like Gauss" http://www.scilogs.com/hlf/abel-prize-winner-intimidated-by-math-research/ 38 comments math
- Cheap transistors, expensive wires: Turing Award winner Ivan Sutherland says economics of early computer hardware still influences our thinking http://www.scilogs.com/hlf/cheap-transistors-expensive-wires/ 36 comments compsci
- Mental cryptography http://www.scilogs.com/hlf/mental-cryptography-and-good-passwords/ 19 comments math
- Fish living in water contaminated by an anti-anxiety medication actually live longer than their counterparts living in clean water. And that's disastrous, scientists say. http://www.scilogs.com/endless_forms/2014/08/12/bad-new-benzos-anti-anxiety-drugs-increase-fish-survival-why-is-this-a-problem/ 10 comments science
- Facebook silently manipulated user news feeds in a large scale psychological experiment. This was only publicly revealed when the results paper was published (cross-post /r/psychology) http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/how-does-your-facebook-news-feed-affect-you/ 62 comments privacy
- A new study looks at the impact of reading fairy tales or moral stories on the honesty of children: Hearing the stories of the boy who cried wolf or Pinocchio had no effect on children's truth-telling but the story of George Washington and the cherry tree made them more honest. http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/does-reading-moral-stories-to-children-promote-honesty/ 171 comments science
- Researchers collaborate with Facebook and analyze the emotional content in postings of over half a million Facebook users. They also manipulated the News Feeds of the users and did not need individual consent from the users because this research is covered by Facebook's Data use policy. http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/how-does-your-facebook-news-feed-affect-you/ 3 comments science
- Peer review fail: Paper claimed that one in five patients on cholesterol lowering drugs have major side effects, but failed to mention that placebo patients have similar side effects. None of the peer reviewers picked up on it. The journal is convening a review panel to investigate what went wrong. http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/to-err-is-human-to-study-errors-is-science/ 609 comments science
- Recent meta-analysis claims 'healthy obesity is a myth' but the meta-analysis had multiple flaws: results were not significant at first, but then became significant once some studies were removed from the analysis http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/is-it-possible-to-have-excess-weight-and-still-be-healthy/ 3 comments science
- Research is mostly slow and non-significant http://www.scilogs.com/expiscor/research-is-mostly-slow-and-non-significant/ 3 comments science
- A new study shows that being overweight does not increase cardiovascular risk as long as the individuals are metabolically healthy. Even obesity leads only to a small increase in risk, thus implying that metabolic health is more important than weight. http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/is-it-possible-to-have-excess-weight-and-still-be-healthy/ 34 comments science
- €100 billion for innovation in EU's regional funds to end research divide and brain drain http://www.scilogs.com/balkan_science_beat/e100-billion-for-innovation-in-eus-regional-funds-to-end-research-divide-and-brain-drain/ 73 comments europe
- In the digital era where the keyboard dominates all forms of modern hand-based communications, from email to text messages, and signed bank checks are losing out to pin-based swipe and debit cards, the next generation may lose the ability to read and write in cursive http://www.scilogs.com/scientific_and_medical_libraries/in-a-land-where-qwerty-would-be-king/ 16 comments technology
- A study shows that older adults (mean age 72) showed significant improvement in cognitive skills after attending a 14 week digital photography class, when compared to a group of subjects who just watched documentaries and solved word puzzles. http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/learning-digital-photography-improves-cognitive-function-older/ 232 comments science
- Creepy crawly centipedes are a source of new high-strength painkillers http://www.scilogs.com/mmmbitesizescience/creepy-crawly-centipedes-are-a-source-of-new-high-strength-painkillers/ 21 comments science
- The Ethics Of Algorithms: Whom Would You Run Over? http://www.scilogs.com/algoworld/the-ethics-of-algorithms-whom-would-you-run-over/ 32 comments philosophy
- Better Left Alone: Flesh-eating Bacteria Thrive in Tarballs http://www.scilogs.com/from_the_lab_bench/better-left-alone-flesh-eating-bacteria-thrive-in-tarballs/ 9 comments science
- Scientists discover that suppressing inflammation in the brain can extend the lifespan of mice by more than 20%. http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/inflamm-aging-inflammatory-signals-in-the-brain-regulate-the-lifespan/ 11 comments science
- Hepatitis B virus, which can cause a variety of serious liver diseases including cancer, originally infected birds way back during the dinosaur era, researchers find as they detect viral remnants in so-called "junk DNA" http://www.scilogs.com/maniraptora/journal-club-ancient-origin-of-hepatitis-b-viruses-revealed-by-dna-fossils-in-bird-genomes/ 2 comments science
- Researchers use insect virus to infect (and potentially deactivate) tumour cells, giving hope to a prostate cancer treatment http://www.scilogs.com/mmmbitesizescience/turning-insect-viruses-into-cancer-therapies/ 11 comments science
- Tasmanian devil facial tumours have a 100% mortality rate because they do not code for MHC proteins, thereby completely bypassing the immune system. Finding may lead to a potential vaccine. http://www.scilogs.com/endless_forms/2013/04/28/devil-dispatch-mhc-the-key-to-contagious-cancer-vaccine/ 264 comments science
- Greenland may actually become green: scientists forecast that plant ecosystems are trending further north in the Arctic http://www.scilogs.com/frontier_scientists/plants-march-north/ 6 comments science
- New study finds that graduate students rated research abstracts as having greater “scientific quality” when they thought they were written by men http://www.scilogs.com/communication_breakdown/gender-bias-study-2013/ 124 comments science
- Scientists use artificial stem cells to create blood supplies for bioengineered organs http://www.scilogs.com/mmmbitesizescience/converting-weeds-into-flowers-artificial-stem-cells-create-a-blood-supply-for-bioengineered-organs/ 11 comments science
- Potential anticancer therapy recreates "tumour receptors" so that body's immune system can target and kill tumour cells http://www.scilogs.com/allotrope/cancer-drugs-refusing-to-die/ 3 comments science
- New paper suggests cannabis may cause strokes by constricting blood vessels, but more research is needed http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/is-cannabis-usage-related-to-strokes/ 9 comments science
- Researchers show that 'bad' fat can be converted into 'good' fat using Viagra http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/using-viagra-to-burn-fat/ 44 comments science
- PLOS ONE paper: Is Kindness Key to Happiness and Acceptance for Children? A scientifically flawed study with interesting conclusions http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/is-kindness-key-to-happiness-and-acceptance-for-children/ 13 comments science
- 40 high school students co-author paper which proposes how to better current climate models http://www.scilogs.com/beyond_the_lab/school-students-work-may-help-better-climate-models/ 8 comments science
- Prions, which cause diseases such as mad cow disease, can propagate aerially by crows through faeces, making this sound like a bio-terrorism plot http://www.scilogs.com/endless_forms/2012/12/15/prions-survive-crow-guts/ 4 comments science
- Sweat Glands Play Major Role in Healing Human Wounds http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/the-healing-power-of-sweat-glands/ 10 comments science
- Study published in Nature finds differences in the genetic profiles of cells within one person http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/somatic-mosaicism-genetic-differences-between-individual-cells/ 4 comments science
- Adult Bone Marrow Stem Cells Are Not Very Effective for Heart Disease http://www.scilogs.com/next_regeneration/recent-study-raises-questions-about-using-adult-stem-cells-for-chronic-heart-disease/ 12 comments science
- Air breathing, the scientists believe, is likely to have evolved in an ancestral vertebrate that did not have a lung http://www.scilogs.com/frontier_scientists/scientists-identify-origins-breathing/ 250 comments science
- What is the size of the sea? The total habitable volume available to marine organisms is approx 1,367,000,000 km3, 700 times volume available for terrestrial organisms http://www.scilogs.com/mola_mola/the-size-of-the-sea/ 6 comments science
- A seriously injured bald eagle now has a bionic beak, thanks to modern technology http://www.scilogs.com/maniraptora/restoring-beauty-video/ 8 comments technology