Hacker News
- Electrical circuits encased in fluid may reshape data-center design https://www.sandia.gov/labnews/2024/05/30/hpc-cooling/ 20 comments
- Using the power of the sun to roast green chile https://www.sandia.gov/labnews/2022/06/30/using-the-power-of-the-sun-to-roast-green-chile/ 115 comments
- World’s smallest, best acoustic amplifier emerges from 50-year-old hypothesis https://www.sandia.gov/news/publications/labnews/articles/2021/06-18/acoustic.html 50 comments
- Multi-Modal Vehicle Concept [video] http://www.sandia.gov/research/robotics/unique_mobility/multi_modal_vehicle.html 2 comments
- MPI-Mapreduce http://www.sandia.gov/~sjplimp/mapreduce.html 2 comments
- Electrical circuits encased in fluid may reshape data-center design https://www.sandia.gov/labnews/2024/05/30/hpc-cooling/ 9 comments technology
- Powering the moon: Sandia researchers design microgrid for future lunar base https://www.sandia.gov/labnews/2022/05/05/powering-the-moon-sandia-researchers-design-microgrid-for-future-lunar-base/ 2 comments futurology
- Sandia National Laboratories: World’s smallest, best acoustic amplifier emerges from 50-year-old hypothesis https://www.sandia.gov/news/publications/labnews/articles/2021/06-18/acoustic.html 4 comments technology
- Detecting quark nuggets, a candidate for extreme ball lightning and dark matter https://www.sandia.gov/news/publications/labnews/articles/2018/14-09/ball_lightning.html 6 comments technology
- The Z machine is the largest X-ray generator in the world and is designed to test materials in conditions of extreme temperature and pressure. Operated by Sandia National Laboratories, it gathers data to aid in computer modeling of nuclear weapons. (pic) http://www.sandia.gov/news-center/news-releases/2006/images/z-machine.jpg?wow 3 comments science
- The Predator drone, using Synthetic Aperture Radar, can compare two radar images of the same area and can determine if tank tracks, or even footprints in some cases, have appeared since the first image was taken. http://www.sandia.gov/radar/sarapps.html 13 comments technology
- Neat http://www.sandia.gov/news-center/news-releases/2003/images/jpg/zmachine.jpg 4 comments science
- Sandia designs "right-sized" small scale nuclear breeder reactor for military use and possible export to developing nations (second new item on page) http://www.sandia.gov/labnews/081205.html 2 comments technology
- The Z Machine, World's Largest X-Ray Generator http://www.sandia.gov/news-center/news-releases/2006/images/z-machine.jpg 3 comments science
- Sandia National Laboratories sets their sights on an exaflop supercomputer. That's one million teraflops. http://www.sandia.gov/news/resources/releases/2008/exaflop.html 3 comments science
- Individuals more effective than group in solving wicked problems http://www.sandia.gov/news/resources/releases/2007/wickedproblems.html 2 comments science
- Sandia Labs' Z machine melts diamond to puddle http://www.sandia.gov/news/resources/releases/2006/diamonds.html 11 comments reddit.com