Hacker News
- New Cooling Pump Drops Temperatures by 16 Degrees https://samueli.ucla.edu/new-cooling-pump-drops-temperatures-by-16-degrees-more-at-source-of-heat/ 4 comments
- A team of researchers has unveiled a first-of-its-kind stable and fully solid-state thermal transistor that uses an electric field to control a semiconductor device’s heat movement https://samueli.ucla.edu/ucla-researchers-develop-solid-state-thermal-transistor-for-better-heat-management/ 7 comments hardware
- UCLA Engineers Design Solar Roofs to Harvest Energy for Greenhouses https://samueli.ucla.edu/ucla-engineers-design-solar-roofs-to-harvest-energy-for-greenhouses/ 3 comments science
- UCLA Engineers Design Solar Roofs to Harvest Energy for Greenhouses https://samueli.ucla.edu/ucla-engineers-design-solar-roofs-to-harvest-energy-for-greenhouses/ 4 comments science
- Engineers invented a novel soft and flexible self-powered bioelectronic device. The technology converts human body motions — from bending an elbow to subtle movements such as a pulse on one’s wrist — into electricity that could be used to power wearable and implantable diagnostic sensors. https://samueli.ucla.edu/ucla-bioengineers-develop-new-class-of-human-powered-bioelectronics/ 10 comments science
- [deleted by user] https://samueli.ucla.edu/ucla-bioengineers-develop-new-class-of-human-powered-bioelectronics/ 2 comments science
- New AI system mimics how humans visualize and identify objects https://samueli.ucla.edu/new-ai-system-mimics-how-humans-visualize-and-identify-objects/ 4 comments artificial
- Dual-layer solar cell developed at UCLA sets record for efficiently generating power - The team’s new cell converts 22.4 percent of the incoming energy from the sun, a record in power conversion efficiency for a perovskite–CIGS tandem solar cell, as reported in Science. https://samueli.ucla.edu/dual-layer-solar-cell-developed-at-ucla-sets-record-for-efficiently-generating-power/ 622 comments science
- Dual-layer solar cell developed at UCLA sets record for efficiently generating power https://samueli.ucla.edu/dual-layer-solar-cell-developed-at-ucla-sets-record-for-efficiently-generating-power/ 6 comments technology
- Magnetic force to manage pain: UCLA bioengineers use gel-like material containing tiny magnetic particles to manage chronic pain from disease or injury, demonstrating the promising use of “mechanoceuticals”, biomechanical forces that push and pull on cells to treat disease. https://samueli.ucla.edu/ucla-bioengineers-use-magnetic-force-to-manage-pain/ 4 comments science
- CNN inference at the speed of light https://samueli.ucla.edu/ucla-engineers-develop-artificial-intelligence-device-that-identifies-objects-at-the-speed-of-light/ 8 comments computervision
- UCLA engineers develop artificial intelligence device that identifies objects at the speed of light https://samueli.ucla.edu/ucla-engineers-develop-artificial-intelligence-device-that-identifies-objects-at-the-speed-of-light/ 13 comments science