Hacker News
- Use context-free grammars instead of parser combinators and PEG https://safinaskar.writeas.com/ 82 comments
- This is why you should never use parser combinators and PEG https://safinaskar.writeas.com/this-is-why-you-should-never-use-parser-combinators-and-peg 23 comments compilers , haskell , rust
- This is why you should never use de Bruijn indices, especially if you program in Rust https://safinaskar.writeas.com/this-is-why-you-should-never-use-de-bruijn-indices-especially-if-you-program 29 comments rust
Linking pages
- This is why you should never use parser combinators and PEG — Askar Safin https://safinaskar.writeas.com/this-is-why-you-should-never-use-parser-combinators-and-peg 79 comments
- MV3 Chrome extension with iframe, which embeds any site — Askar Safin https://safinaskar.writeas.com/mv3-chrome-extension-with-iframe-which-embeds-any-site 0 comments