- Here's how one web designer creates websites from scratch (A diary) http://www.rumendimitrov.com/2015/05/design-website-from-scratch/ 15 comments web_design
- [Challenge Pt 1] The real reason why your first landing page is going to suck and what you can do about it http://rumendimitrov.com 4 comments startups
- I quit freelancing—How I created a profitable software product to escape “clients from hell” and their boring, crappy projects http://www.rumendimitrov.com/quit-freelancing-by-creating-a-product/ 8 comments webdev
Linking pages
- How we planned, launched and pre-sold the first few copies of an ebook (in a nutshell) | by Gerry Dimova | Blogging tips from the trenches | Medium https://medium.com/@gerrydimova/how-we-planned-launched-and-pre-sold-the-first-few-copies-of-an-ebook-in-a-nutshell-96ea1200272d?source=your-stories 0 comments