- Moldovan EU referendum results flip to Yes https://pv.cec.md/cec-template-referendum-results.html 14 comments worldnews
- Everyone knew about Gagauzia and Transnistria but why northern part of the country is so much overwhelming against EU? I just saw the results of the northern parts and are socking https://pv.cec.md/cec-template-referendum-results.html 8 comments moldova
- Alegeri Locale în Republica Moldova 2023 - Rezultate preliminare https://pv.cec.md/cec-template-locale-rezultate-preliminare.html 30 comments moldova
- Prezența la vot https://pv.cec.md/parlamentare2021-prezenta.html 8 comments moldova
- With 95% of votes counted, pro-EU candidate Sandu is poised to win the Moldovan presidential election. https://pv.cec.md/cec-template-presidential-results.html 3 comments europe
- Parliamentary election attendance in Moldova (13:00 - 27%) https://pv.cec.md 8 comments europe