- Jamal El-Haj becomes a "independent" member of Swedish parliament after months of criticism on Hamas connections https://omni.se/el-haj-blir-politisk-vilde-vagrar-lamna-riksdagsplats/a/jlRR3o 59 comments europe
- The Finnish union joins the strike against Tesla https://omni.se/finska-facket-ansluter-sig-till-strejken-mot-tesla/a/WRp20r 291 comments europe
- Postnord says no to Tesla - will not deliver license plates https://omni.se/a/onrnkB 406 comments europe
- Tesla is suing the Swedish state over consequences following strikes https://omni.se/tesla-stammer-svenska-staten-utgor-en-diskrimerande-attack/a/veoRX4 645 comments europe
- Swedish values will be required to receive benefits https://omni.se/svenska-varderingar-ska-bli-krav-for-bidrag/a/EQ8o9l 76 comments europe
- Union: Strikers at Tesla are threatened with dismissal https://omni.se/fackforbund-strejkande-pa-tesla-hotas-med-uppsagning/a/BWP4rw 53 comments europe
- Network disruptions and IT breakdowns in several regions https://omni.se/a/15oKaG 3 comments europe
- News agency TT exposed to ddos attack https://omni.se/a/gEdboB 2 comments europe
- Right now: The Riksdag votes yes to Ulf Kristersson as Sweden's new prime minister https://omni.se/just-nu-riksdagen-rostar-ja-till-ulf-kristersson-som-sveriges-nya-statsminister/a/veek2l 77 comments europe
- Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson admits defeat - will resign https://omni.se/statsminister-magdalena-andersson-erkanner-sig-besegrad-kommer-att-avga/a/dwlm7X 877 comments europe
- [Swedish Election] The Electoral Authority: The count may be delayed due to the queues https://omni.se/valmyndigheten-rakningen-kan-forsenas-efter-koerna/a/JQodM7 22 comments europe
- Michail Gorbatjov is dead https://omni.se/a/wOyMld 8 comments europe
- Turkey pressured Sweden into approving 3 billion SEK railway project [translation in comments] https://omni.se/turkiet-pressade-sverige-att-godkanna-miljardprojekt/a/7dXGK9 5 comments europe
- Right now: The decision has been made - Sweden is applying to NATO https://omni.se/a/G3Exa9 840 comments europe
- Swedish PM confirm Sweden’s intention to join NATO. https://omni.se/a/G3Exa9 4 comments worldnews
- Turkish anger was due to Swedish foreign minister being “mistranslated” in Turkish media; good chances of getting situation resolved https://omni.se/a/0G6GXM 368 comments europe
- Historic news Swedish social democrats says yes to NATO membership. https://omni.se/a/EaPaxG 257 comments europe
- Right now: Finland applies for NATO membership - "the decision is historic" https://omni.se/a/eEnPmM 15 comments europe
- Propaganda at bus stops in Moscow - Astrid Lindgren is singled out as a Nazi https://omni.se/a/rE7LLe 260 comments europe
- Prime minister of Sweden Margareta Andersson wants Sweden to join NATO in June https://omni.se/a/ALwbMq 3 comments worldnews
- Russian airplanes that violated Swedish airspace had nuclear warheads. https://omni.se/uppgift-tva-ryska-plan-som-krankte-svenskt-luftrum-var-bestyckade-med-karnvapen/a/OrARx1 13 comments worldnews
- Swedish opposition leader Kristersson (M): "I will apply to join NATO should I win the election this September." https://omni.se/a/x8Ex1p 695 comments europe
- 4 Russian fighter aircrafts have violated Swedish airspace https://omni.se/a/5GlRlK 28 comments worldnews
- Zelenskyj nominated to Nobel peace price https://omni.se/a/66g6gr 31 comments worldnews
- Sweden to supply Ukraine with 135,000 field rations, 5,000 helmets, 5,000 vests, 5,000 AT4 anti-tank equipment and $53,000,000 in support. https://omni.se/sverige-skickar-militart-stod-till-ukraina-gor-vad-som-kravs-for-eus-sakerhet/a/G3g12Q 31 comments worldnews
- Sweden will send 135 000 field rations, 5000 helmets, 5000 suits of body armour and 5000 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine. https://omni.se/a/G3g12Q 22 comments worldnews
- Sweden to send 135 000 field rations, 5 000 anti-tank guns, 5 000 helmets and 5 000 body armours to Ukraine https://omni.se/regeringen-skickar-omfattande-stod-till-ukraina/a/G3g12Q 56 comments worldnews
- Swedish forward Marcus Berg announces his departure from the national team. [Swedish] https://omni.se/a/o66bvK 18 comments soccer
- Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Criticized After Decision that Sweden Won't Expell Chinese Ambassador Despite Being Demanded By 3 Parties, After the Ambassador Sent a Treathening Email to a Swedish Journalist Who Wrote About H&M Stopping Wool Imports From Xinjiang https://omni.se/kritik-mot-ann-linde-hon-accepterar-det-oacceptabla/a/oa2drg 52 comments europe
- Suspected terrorist attack in Sweden - 8 people stabbed (source in Swedish) https://omni.se/a/wendem 563 comments europe
- Swedish news - Over 50k swedes is still holding $GME, me included. Swedish apes still strong. https://omni.se/tusentals-svenskar-kvar-i-gamestop-efter-hausse/a/0Koz2J 1262 comments wallstreetbets
- Sweden forbids public gatherings with more than 50 people https://omni.se/a/opa9dr 169 comments europe
- The queue for long term rental in sweden reaches nearly 1 million. At present, 998,000 people are in the housing queues in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The number has increased by 70,000 in just one year, a review by SvD shows. https://omni.se/storstadernas-bostadsko-narmar-sig-en-miljon/a/ql7jqe 20 comments europe
- The queue for long term rental in sweden reaches nearly 1 million. At present, 998,000 people are in the housing queues in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The number has increased by 70,000 in just one year, a review by SvD shows. https://omni.se/storstadernas-bostadsko-narmar-sig-en-miljon/a/ql7jqe 19 comments worldnews
- EU will not be affected by Trump’s new steel and aluminium tariffs until further notice, according to Swedish media company Omni. https://omni.se/a/9mgj4l 73 comments worldnews
- Libor Hudacek fired after slashing http://omni.se/efter-yxhugget-farjestad-sparkar-hudacek-fran-laget/a/21xzva 7 comments hockey
- Truck drives into crowd in central Stockholm, Sweden http://omni.se/a/9ayew 6 comments worldnews
- SHL player Jakob Lilja sentenced for assault http://omni.se/a/7ardv 3 comments hockey
- Sweden might be victim of hybrid warfare. Telecommunication masts sabotaged, train and flight disruptions happening simultaneously. http://omni.se/50kab 6 comments worldnews
- Serial killer planned on killing Zlatan http://omni.se/topic/2e0e9d71-7a2f-46d3-ad81-2f963fc9b9af/26fddf1a-1dce-4cfe-ac77-29aca10ccf5f 55 comments soccer