Hacker News
- The Entrepreneur's Roadmap – From Concept to IPO https://www.nyse.com/entrepreneur 11 comments
- NYSE/NYSE MKT has temporarily suspended trading in all symbols https://www.nyse.com/market-status/history 136 comments
- Trading Halt Data $NYSE https://www.nyse.com/trade-halt 3 comments wallstreetbets
- LCID Halted 12 times on 07/27. Interesting 🤔 https://www.nyse.com/trade-halt-historical 4 comments wallstreetbets
- WARNING if you got filled this morning, read this! https://www.nyse.com/market-status/history#110000531402 18 comments pltr
- Did anyone here get caught holding Russian ADRs (YNDX, MBT, GDEV, HHR, QIWI) before the 2/28 halt? What do we do? https://www.nyse.com/trade-halt-current 179 comments stocks
- NYSE has filed for a Bitcoin ETF - which will hold actual BTC instead of futures. They expect it will be 15% cheaper than the futures ETF https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/nyse/markets/nyse-arca/rule-filings/filings/2021/sr-nysearca-2021-89.pdf 50 comments cryptocurrency
- Today, New York Stonk Exchange launching NYSE First Trade NFTs. NYSE NFTs: There's only one first trade https://www.nyse.com/nft 4 comments cryptocurrency
- Nokia stopped trading. “News Pending” https://www.nyse.com/trade-halt-current 8 comments wallstreetbets
- Limit Up Limit Down (LULD) rule does not apply for GME high limit sell orders https://www.nyse.com/products/etp-limit-up-limit-down 159 comments wallstreetbets
- Trading an ETF (e.g. $SPY) is the same as trading any other equity? https://www.nyse.com/products/etp-funds-etf 13 comments investing
- RadioShack fails to meet NYSE minimum listing standards http://www.nyse.com/pdfs/nyx_most_liquid.pdf 14 comments business
- Its 10/10/11 and I still see the NYSE on the Internet. What happened to the Anonymous threat? http://www.nyse.com/ 15 comments reddit.com
- I just downloaded, into a spreadsheet, the list of companies on the short-sale ban list. There are about 1,000 listings. Is anyone surprised that GM and Ford were added to the list this week? http://www.nyse.com/about/listed/1222078675703.html?sa_campaign=/internal_ads/ticker/09222008seclist 2 comments economy
Linking pages
- The New York Stock Exchange Plans to Extend Weekday Trading on its NYSE Arca Equities Exchange to 22 Hours a Day | Business Wire https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241025235193/en/The-New-York-Stock-Exchange-Plans-to-Extend-Weekday-Trading-on-its-NYSE-Arca-Equities-Exchange-to-22-Hours-a-Day 29 comments
- Why Isn’t Anyone Calling Out Stoppelman? | by Troy Jensen | Medium https://medium.com/@troyjensen/why-isn-t-anyone-calling-out-stoppelman-977410b5917e 21 comments
- A rare look inside of Coinbase, one of the fastest growing bitcoin companies in the world. | by Matt Schlicht | ZapChain Magazine | Medium https://medium.com/zapchain-magazine/a-rare-look-inside-of-coinbase-one-of-the-fastest-growing-bitcoin-companies-in-the-world-bfb5219f1ed4 19 comments
- Intercontinental Exchange and Reddit Collaborate to Create and Distribute Data Products for Capital Markets | Business Wire https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250211782623/en/Intercontinental-Exchange-and-Reddit-Collaborate-to-Create-and-Distribute-Data-Products-for-Capital-Markets 16 comments
- Man Vs. Machine: Seven Major Players in High-Frequency Trading http://www.cnbc.com/id/39038892 8 comments
- What is a Bitcoin ETF? The Rise of Institutional Crypto Adoption https://droomdroom.com/what-is-a-bitcoin-etf/ 1 comment
- NYSE Marks Greek American Issuer Day https://greekreporter.com/2022/04/12/capital-link-nyse-greece/ 0 comments
- GitHub - KatherineMichel/tech-and-funding-toolkit: Tech and Funding Toolkit https://github.com/KatherineMichel/tech-and-funding-toolkit 0 comments
- What Can I Buy With Employee Stock Options? | by Florent Artaud | Welcome to The Family https://salon.thefamily.co/what-can-i-buy-with-employee-stock-options-3c0bff9e1760 0 comments
- We're All Coders: Atlassian Opens Up The Engineering Sandbox http://www.forbes.com/sites/tomiogeron/2012/02/22/were-all-coders-atlassian-opens-up-the-engineering-sandbox/ 0 comments