Hacker News
- A Confederacy of Quacks: The War Against Antidepressants https://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/war-again-antidepressents/ed777898f06c3523f2b91953ca512efe073c4614/ 41 comments
- Edward Snowden's Half-Baked Revolution https://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/half-baked-revolution/5fd338733d2a5b16569f42d79512996b5fec2ee2/ 2 comments
- Fear, senseless violence, and shitty drugs http://nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/narco-war-update 69 comments
- As Your Attorney, I Advise You That Miranda Is Bullshit https://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/miranda-wrongs/ 60 comments law
- War Nerd: The Cheery, Ordinary World of Fascism https://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/cheery-fascism/ 21 comments history
- "TSA and Pigs": How - and why - the left and right united to turn TSA agents into public enemy number one https://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/tsa-shooting/b426727ef18c81a988c5b39fe7f2db6515ead7f0/ 14 comments politics
- Found: Libertarians' "Lying To Liberals" Guide Book https://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/lying-to-liberals/8d14c3a3f0e3535423f80b314a2f74ee464b9aed/ 57 comments politics
- CIA's Former Man In Central America: Assad Didn't Do It https://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/assad-didnt-do-it/449914707eefaa24dcb3288df368cc8c95457e02/ 6 comments worldnews
- Congress is afraid of the dirt the NSA has on them. Perhaps they should write a law prohibiting the NSA from disclosing any info about Congress Members? https://www.nsfwcorp.com/scribble/5695/f3cf4b5670fff686e04e6a27898d3230b64b808e/ 6 comments politics
- Saying Boo To A Ghost: It's No Secret Why Congress Fears Crossing The NSA by David Sirota https://www.nsfwcorp.com/scribble/5695/93da53ee074e5184d8aff848c183c523fd8865a0/ 27 comments politics
- Snowden has defected and is being used as a pawn by Putin and the Kremlin in quashing their opposition in Russia https://www.nsfwcorp.com/scribble/5659/e3069893d8bde3ca51da8e1da953327fdbd00900/ 5 comments politics
- The War Nerd: The Diary of Adam Gurowski https://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/adam-gurowski/bea6723edafba0258d69d48f9098c4360a268819/ 7 comments history
- "What’s not just surprising, but actually shocking, is how far pro-school privatization interests have been able to infiltrate and corrupt the reporting at supposedly left-leaning NPR" https://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/et-tu-npr/6259ac1fd1ffc45ebade3594dfd247f69abc89e9/#unlock-dispatch 15 comments politics
- The Dark & Sordid History of “Right-to-Work” https://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/right-to-work 72 comments politics
- Mark Ames: In 1977, the National Rifle Association was taken over by far-right fanatics led by a convicted murderer and onetime US Border Guards chief named Harlon "Bullethead" Carter, who had previously led a massive crackdown on Mexican immigrant laborers called "Operation Wetback." https://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/newtown#comments 11 comments politics
- All The Koch's Men: Anatomy of a right-wing media smear https://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/anatomy-of-a-right-wing-smear 10 comments politics
- From "Operation Wetback" To Newtown: Tracing The Hick Fascism Of The NRA http://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/newtown/ 3 comments politics
- When Congress Busted Milton Friedman (and Libertarianism Was Created By Big Business Lobbyists) http://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/milton-friedman 34 comments politics
- The War Nerd: Obama's Wars - Good Fighter, Can’t Cheerlead Worth A Damn http://www.nsfwcorp.com/dispatch/war-nerd-obamas-wars 3 comments politics