Hacker News
- Machine learning and nano-3D printing produce nano-architected materials https://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/strong-as-steel-light-as-foam-machine-learning-and-nano-3d-printing-produce-breakthrough-high-performance-nano-architected-materials/ 6 comments
- Ultrahigh Specific Strength by Bayesian Optimization of Carbon Nanolattices. Researchers have used machine learning to design nano-architected materials that have the strength of carbon steel but the lightness of Styrofoam. https://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/strong-as-steel-light-as-foam-machine-learning-and-nano-3d-printing-produce-breakthrough-high-performance-nano-architected-materials/ 14 comments science
- New research shows aggressive electrification of the U.S. vehicle fleet, coupled with an ambitious rollout of renewable electricity generation, could result in health benefits worth between US$84 billion and 188 billion by 2050 https://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/new-research-reveals-how-large-scale-adoption-of-electric-vehicles-can-improve-air-quality-and-human-health/ 57 comments science
- Researchers have engineered a handheld 3D skin printer that works like a paint roller, depositing sheets of skin that speed up wound healing and reduce scarring. The skin printer demonstrates accelerated healing of large burns. https://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/handheld-3d-skin-printer-demonstrates-accelerated-healing-of-large-severe-burns/ 26 comments science
- Scientists developed a new electrochemical path to transform carbon dioxide (CO2) into valuable products such as jet fuel or plastics, from carbon that is already in the atmosphere, rather than from fossil fuels, a unique system that achieves 100% carbon utilization with no carbon is wasted. https://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/out-of-thin-air-new-electrochemical-process-shortens-the-path-to-capturing-and-recycling-co2/ 1883 comments science
- More than half of drivers don’t look for cyclists and pedestrians before turning right, reveals U of T Engineering study http://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/more-than-half-of-drivers-dont-look-for-cyclists-and-pedestrians-before-turning-right-reveals-u-of-t-engineering-study/ 12 comments bicycling
- Cooking oil coating prevents bacteria from growing on food processing equipment, resulting in a 1,000x reduction in bacterial levels inside the industrial machines tested, finds new study. Coating a stainless steel surface with an everyday cooking oil appears effective in repelling bacteria. http://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/cooking-oil-coating-prevents-bacteria-from-growing-on-food-processing-equipment/ 996 comments science
- U of T Engineering AI researchers design ‘privacy filter’ for your photos that disables facial recognition systems http://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/privacy-filter-disables-facial-recognition-systems/ 277 comments technology
- How self-driving cars could shrink parking lots http://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/self-driving-cars-shrink-parking-lots 4 comments science
- Scientists injected healthy pancreatic islets embedded in blood vessels under the skin of diabetic mice and found that normal blood sugar levels could be restored within 21 days. When the islet transplants under the skin were removed, glucose levels returned to diabetic levels. http://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/best-place-treat-type-1-diabetes-might-just-skin/ 3 comments science
- Canadian female astronaut appointed next Governor General http://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/julie-payette-governor-general/ 5 comments worldnews
- "A University of Toronto Engineering innovation could make printing solar cells as easy and inexpensive as printing a newspaper" due to low-, rather than high-temperature production. http://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/printable-solar-cells-just-got-little-closer/ 55 comments technology
- Hydrogels boost ability of stem cells to restore eyesight and heal brains http://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/hydrogels-boost-ability-of-stem-cells-to-restore-eyesight-and-heal-brains/ 12 comments science
- New technique offers spray-on solar power http://news.engineering.utoronto.ca/new-technique-offers-spray-on-solar-power/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=new-technique-offers-spray-on-solar-power 8 comments technology