Hacker News
- 'The Dictator': Chamath Palihapitiya's Broken Professional Relationships https://www.newcomer.co/p/the-dictator-chamath-palihapitiyas 2 comments
- Stripe Is Raising $6B to Resolve Employee Tax Issue https://www.newcomer.co/p/scoop-stripe-is-raising-6-billion 50 comments
- Sequoia Is Down Bad https://www.newcomer.co/p/sequoia-is-down-bad 8 comments
- Sources: OpenSea Eyes $13B Valuation https://www.newcomer.co/p/sources-opensea-eyes-13-billion-valuation 123 comments
- How Adam Draper and Garry Tan struck crypto gold https://www.newcomer.co/p/the-golden-ticket 2 comments
- The Unauthorized Story of Andreessen Horowitz https://www.newcomer.co/p/the-unauthorized-story-of-andreessen 55 comments
- Andreessen Horowitz is in the process of tripling down on crypto, raising its third crypto fund since 2018. Sources tell me that Andreessen Horowitz is targeting $2 billion for its third crypto fund. That’s double the size of what many people are expecting. https://www.newcomer.co/p/a16z-crypto-fund-balloons-to-2-billion 6 comments cryptocurrency