- What a "Belief" Is ("Solving" Moore's Paradox) https://neonomos.substack.com/p/what-is-a-belief-part-1-solving-moores 78 comments philosophy
- What "Reasons" are (all reasons must be objective explanations for a truth) https://neonomos.substack.com/p/what-is-a-reason 93 comments philosophy
- The Principle of Sufficient Reason is Self-Evident and its Criticisms are Self-Defeating (a case for the PSR being the fourth law of logic) https://neonomos.substack.com/p/why-the-principle-of-sufficient-reason 239 comments philosophy
- Why and How Abstract Objects Exist (The nature of thoughts as philosophy's fundamental unit of analysis) https://neonomos.substack.com/p/yes-non-existent-entities-exist-part 104 comments philosophy
- Solving the Gettier Problem https://neonomos.substack.com/p/what-is-knowledge 167 comments philosophy
- The Laws of Thought (Why thoughts are the unit of analysis in philosophy and are subject to the law of identity, law of non-contradiction, and law of excluded middle) https://neonomos.substack.com/p/the-laws-of-thought 96 comments philosophy
- Words, Things, and Thoughts (Where language is contradictory and the world is in flux, only thought is absolute - on the Ship of Theseus and the Sorites paradox) https://neonomos.substack.com/p/words-things-and-thoughts 22 comments philosophy
- The Liar Paradox and the Meaning Paradox (on the nature of meaninglessness) https://neonomos.substack.com/p/the-liar-paradox-and-the-meaning 14 comments philosophy
- Nonsense, Irrelevance, and Invalidity (On the liar's paradox, knowledge, morality, and the is-ought gap) https://neonomos.substack.com/p/nonsense-irrelevance-and-invalidity 59 comments philosophy
- What is Knowledge? (An Argument for Why it is Justified Belief "Connected" to a Truth) https://neonomos.substack.com/p/what-is-knowledge 17 comments philosophy
- Freedom is the Foundation of Morality (The moral relevance of agency, autonomy, and disability) https://neonomos.substack.com/p/why-freedom-is-the-foundation-of 19 comments philosophy
- Against Anarcho-Capitalism (and ideal political theory) https://neonomos.substack.com/p/against-anarcho-capitalism 5 comments philosophy
- The Ontology and Epistemology of Morality https://neonomos.substack.com/p/what-is-morality 33 comments philosophy
- There Are No Natural Rights (without Natural Law): Addressing what rights are, how we create rights, and where rights come from https://neonomos.substack.com/p/there-are-no-natural-rights-without 169 comments philosophy
- Democracy is Only a Means to an End (Examining the Inherent Political Authority of Democracy) https://neonomos.substack.com/p/democracy-is-a-means-to-an-end-not 70 comments philosophy