Hacker News
- The U.S. Still Spends More on Its Military Than over 144 Nations Combined https://www.nationalpriorities.org/blog/2023/05/04/us-still-spends-more-its-military-over-144-countries-combined/ 7 comments
- Pentagon increases in 2022 could almost fund Build Back Better https://nationalpriorities.org/blog/2022/06/24/pentagon-increases-2022-could-almost-fund-build-back-better/ 87 comments economics
- 11% of the Military Budget Could Fund Enough Renewable Energy for Every Home in the US: Just 11% of the Pentagon’s current $716 billion budget -- about $80 billion -- would pay to produce enough wind and solar energy to power every one of the 127.59 million households in the United States https://www.nationalpriorities.org/blog/2019/09/20/11-percent-military-budget-renewable-energy-every-home/ 168 comments environment
- 11% of the Military Budget Could Fund Enough Renewable Energy for Every Home in the US https://www.nationalpriorities.org/blog/2019/09/20/11-percent-military-budget-renewable-energy-every-home/ 17 comments environment
- 11% of the Military Budget Could Fund Enough Renewable Energy for Every Home in the US: Just 11% of the Pentagon’s current $716 billion budget -- about $80 billion -- would pay to produce enough wind and solar energy to power every one of the 127.59 million households in the United States https://www.nationalpriorities.org/blog/2019/09/20/11-percent-military-budget-renewable-energy-every-home/ 11 comments environment
- 11% of the Military Budget Could Fund Enough Renewable Energy for Every Home in the US https://www.nationalpriorities.org/blog/2019/09/20/11-percent-military-budget-renewable-energy-every-home/ 2586 comments technology
- 54% of total U.S. Federal budget spent on military. https://www.nationalpriorities.org/campaigns/military-spending-united-states/ 7 comments worldnews
- In fiscal year 2015, military spending is projected to account for 55 percent of all federal discretionary spending, a total of $555 billion https://www.nationalpriorities.org/campaigns/military-spending-united-states/ 71 comments politics
- Where Your 2013 Tax Dollar Went [Infographic] http://nationalpriorities.org/charts/partial/taxes/ 14 comments politics
- Will anything be around in a few years to protect and keep safe? Since 2001, $8T spent towards our national security, while education, science, infrastructure, and broadband funding lag far behind. http://nationalpriorities.org/blog/2011/08/16/how-safe-are-you/ 23 comments politics
- It would take 93.7 days of tax breaks for the wealthiest 2% to house the 67,495 homeless veterans in our country. [pdf] http://nationalpriorities.org/media/uploads/fs_final.pdf 7 comments politics
- Where Do Your Tax Dollars Go? - TaxDay 2010 http://www.nationalpriorities.org/taxday2010 11 comments economy
- What could your local government do with the funds that being spent on the various wars that the USA currently supports. http://www.nationalpriorities.org/tradeoffs?location_type=1&state=6&program=274&tradeoff_item_item=999&submit_tradeoffs=get+trade+off 6 comments politics
- How the federal government spent each 2009 income tax dollar: From 26.5 cents for military-related spending to 13.6 cents for military and non-military interest on the debt to 2 cents for education http://www.nationalpriorities.org/taxday2010 3 comments politics
- For all those anti-healthcare-bill asshats around you. Taxpayers in the United States will pay $704.3 billion for Total Defense Spending in FY2010. For the same amount of money, 207,588,064 people could have been provided healthcare for one year. http://www.nationalpriorities.org/tradeoffs 3 comments reddit.com
- By tomorrow the cost of the Iraq war will reach $510 billion. Use this calculator to see what we could have done with that money. http://www.nationalpriorities.org/tradeoffs 4 comments politics
- How Many Kids Could We Have Insured Instead Of Spending Cash In Iraq http://nationalpriorities.org/index.php?option=com_content&itemid=207&id=319&task=view 4 comments reddit.com
- What $456 billions (U.S. taxpayer costs of the Iraq war) could buy each congressional district in local services [MAP] http://www.nationalpriorities.org/publications/a-vote-for-more-war-states-and-congressional-dist-2.html 35 comments politics