Hacker News
- Scala projects are difficult to maintain https://mungingdata.com/scala/maintenance-nightmare-upgrade/ 231 comments
- Scala is a Maintenance Nightmare https://mungingdata.com/scala/maintenance-nightmare-upgrade/ 121 comments programming
- Creating open source software is a delight https://mungingdata.com/oss/creating-open-source-software-is-a-delight/ 4 comments programming
- Elegant Scala Filesystem Operations with os-lib (move, copy, list, delete files) https://mungingdata.com/scala/filesystem-paths-move-copy-list-delete-folders/ 7 comments scala
- Managing Multiple Versions of Java, SBT, and Scala with SDKMAN https://mungingdata.com/java/sdkman-multiple-versions-java-sbt-scala/ 6 comments scala
- Scala Templates with Scalate, Mustache, and SSP https://mungingdata.com/scala/scalate-templates-mustache-ssp/ 3 comments scala
- Testing Scala with MUnit https://mungingdata.com/scala/testing-munit/ 5 comments scala