Hacker News
- Apple (Pro) Mouse (2014) http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/apple-pro-mouse 222 comments
- Apple iSight http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/apple-isight 4 comments
- A Leica T Review http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/leica-t 102 comments
- Apple Pro Mouse http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/apple-pro-mouse 73 comments
- My lunch with Dieter Rams http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/my-lunch-with-dieter-rams 12 comments
- Microsoft hires designer behind "The Next Microsoft", Andrew Kim http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/msft 83 comments
- What the new Microsoft logo could have been http://www.minimallyminimal.com/2012/7/3/the-next-microsoft.html 2 comments
- Pentax Si http://www.minimallyminimal.com/journal/2012/8/12/pentax-si.html 7 comments
- A new vehicle interface http://www.minimallyminimal.com/journal/2012/7/22/toyota-doko.html 75 comments
- The Next Microsoft http://www.minimallyminimal.com/journal/2012/7/3/the-next-microsoft.html 329 comments
- The problem with logos. http://www.minimallyminimal.com/journal/2012/1/24/coffee-time-the-problem-with-logos.html 2 comments
- The iSight camera - such amazing design for its time http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/apple-isight 169 comments apple
- Microsoft design language via minimallyminimal (Andrew Kim) http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/microsoft-design-language 31 comments microsoft
- The Apple Pro Mouse | Minimally Minimal http://www.minimallyminimal.com 145 comments apple
- Revisiting the Apple iPod Hi-Fi by minimallyminimal http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/apple-ipod-hi-fi 22 comments apple
- The iPod Mini - a look at "the greatest thing mankind has ever made," from Minimally Minimal http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/ipod-mini 8 comments apple
- Apple iSight — Wonderful gallery and detail shots of an extremely well-designed product from 11 years ago http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/apple-isight 169 comments apple
- Lumia 1520, impressions and pictures http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/nokia-lumia-1520 6 comments windowsphone
- Minimal Nokia Lumia 1020 Review http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/nokia-lumia-1020 65 comments windowsphone
- "Honest, pure and passionate design" - Andrew Kim on the Nokia Lumia 920 http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/nokia-lumia-920-extended-review 31 comments windowsphone
- Andrew Kim has switched to a windows phone. http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/nokia-lumia-920 84 comments windowsphone
- Remember Andrew Kim from Vancouver that did the minimal Microsoft design? He starts work at the Xbox division after completing his final semester at school http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/msft 5 comments microsoft
- Microsoft unveils new logo. I am disappointed they didn't go with this designers suggestion. http://www.minimallyminimal.com/blog/2012/7/3/the-next-microsoft.html 60 comments windows
- Re-imagining Microsoft http://www.minimallyminimal.com/journal/2012/7/3/the-next-microsoft.html 80 comments business
- The Next Microsoft http://www.minimallyminimal.com/journal/2012/7/3/the-next-microsoft.html 72 comments web_design
- Re-Imagining Microsoft - This would be an amazing improvement http://www.minimallyminimal.com/journal/2012/7/3/the-next-microsoft.html 136 comments technology
- The difference branding can make http://www.minimallyminimal.com/journal/2012/7/3/the-next-microsoft.html 4 comments technology
- The Next Microsoft http://www.minimallyminimal.com/journal/2012/7/3/the-next-microsoft.html 53 comments windowsphone
- Apple phone models vs. Samsung phone models sold in the US http://www.minimallyminimal.com/journal/2011/11/16/coffee-time-market-share-vs-profit.html 44 comments apple