Hacker News
- RuyiBook the first laptop powered by a open-source RISC-V processor https://milkv.io/ja/ruyibook 9 comments
- Milk-V Duo: A RISC-V SBC that runs Linux and RTOS/Arduino for $5 https://milkv.io/duo 8 comments
- Milk-V Pioneer – native RISC-V computer https://milkv.io/pioneer 64 comments
- Milk-V Meles (yet another quad core C910 RISC-V SBC) https://milkv.io/meles 4 comments
- Milk-V Mars: RISC-V credit card size SBC https://milkv.io/mars 76 comments
- Milk-V Duo: A $9 RISC-V Computer https://milkv.io/duo 120 comments
- $9 Pi Pico look-alike with RISC-V Vectors (1Ghz/64MB) https://milkv.io/duo 6 comments
- Milk-V RuyiBook - XiangShan Nanhu based Laptop https://milkv.io/ja/ruyibook 31 comments riscv
- Milk-V Jupiter: RISC-V PC for Everyone https://milkv.io/jupiter 41 comments hardware
- How to port FreeBSD to a specific chip? https://milkv.io/chips/sg2000 5 comments riscv
- Where to start - Milk-V Duo https://milkv.io/duo 4 comments riscv
- Milk-V Mars is now shipping internationally https://milkv.io/mars 21 comments riscv
- Milk-V Mars CM https://milkv.io/mars-cm 6 comments riscv
- Milk-V Meles https://milkv.io/meles 13 comments riscv
- Milk-V Mars https://milkv.io/mars 13 comments riscv