Hacker News
- People with narcolepsy process humor differently https://massivesci.com/articles/nacrolepsy-humor-brain-ode-to-joy/ 5 comments
- Reduced agrobiodiversity threatens the stability of our whole food system https://massivesci.com/articles/fewer-crops-feeding-more-worldwide-not-good/ 2 comments
- A breathing tube through the butt could be an alternative to mechanical ventilators https://massivesci.com/articles/rectal-breathing-oxygen-enema-ventilators/ 5 comments nottheonion
- [deleted by user] https://massivesci.com/articles/rectal-breathing-oxygen-enema-ventilators/ 37 comments nottheonion
- When bears hibernate, they avoid osteoporosis by turning off the genes for bone resorption and bone formation https://massivesci.com/notes/bones-hibernate-bears-osteoporosis-genes-winter/ 32 comments science
- Worm identified with multiple butts. Ramisyllis multicaudata lives inside sea sponges and corals https://massivesci.com/notes/worm-butts-evolution-organs-reproduction/ 8 comments science
- Tyrannosaurus rex walked as slowly as a human, and may have used its tail as a suspension system https://massivesci.com/notes/dinosaur-trex-biomechanics-walking-suspension/ 49 comments science
- Your brain responds to why you’re drinking, not just what you’re drinking. "Reward" and "relief" drinkers show activation in ventral striatum, brain area associated with reward https://massivesci.com/notes/drinking-relief-reward-brain-imaging-alcohol-addiction-treatment/ 4 comments science
- Reintroducing predators doesn't always rebalance ecosystems: The wolves of Yellowstone were a media sensation, but not every environment responds the same way, says new study https://massivesci.com/articles/predator-reintroduction-yellowstone-trophic-cascade/ 5 comments science
- Plastic waste can be converted into high-quality graphene using new "flash Joule heating" technique https://massivesci.com/articles/plastic-recycling-graphene-flash-joule-heating/ 74 comments science
- Plants can grow quickly or accurately, but not both. Plants show same speed/accuracy trade-off in decision making as animals https://massivesci.com/notes/plant-speed-accuracy-trade-off-growth/ 6 comments science
- DNA from a mummified bishop's lungs shows tuberculosis began infecting humans only recently, in the last few thousand years. Contradicts zoonotic and ancient transmission theories of TB's origins https://massivesci.com/articles/tuberculosis-bishop-winstrup-origins-humans-neolithic-tb/ 5 comments science
- Stress causes grey hair by activating flight-or-flight response, which drives pigment-producing cells away from hair follicles https://massivesci.com/notes/grey-hair-stress-biology-chameleon/ 6 comments science
- Peccaries mob jaguars to protect their herd from predation. First time peccary anti-predator mobbing behavior was caught on camera https://massivesci.com/notes/jaguar-peccary-predator-prey-video/ 5 comments science
- Bioengineered yeast produce yields of psilocybin and psilocin comparable to or greater than naturally-occurring mushrooms https://massivesci.com/articles/psilocybin-yeast-magic-mushrooms-psychedelics/ 238 comments science
- Whale sharks are only a little cold-blooded: "gigantothermy" keeps their body temperature stable during deep ocean dives https://massivesci.com/articles/whale-sharks-body-heat-thermal-inertia-gigantothermy/ 5 comments science
- Heavy metals from open-pit mining can spread up to 30 kilometers away from the mine https://massivesci.com/notes/water-pollution-mining-peru-citizen-science/ 4 comments science
- Dogs appear to navigate using Earth's magnetic field https://massivesci.com/notes/dogs-magnetic-field-earth-navigation-direction/ 17 comments science
- The sugar in semen makes HIV drugs less effective, blocking antibodies and anti-virals from making contact with the virus https://massivesci.com/articles/hiv-aids-fructose-semen-antiretroviral-therapy/ 10 comments science
- Sequencing narwhal DNA showed that populations expanded in the melting after the Last Glacial Maximum https://massivesci.com/articles/narwhal-climate-change-unicorn-last-glacial-maximum/ 52 comments science
- Scientists suck CO2 out of the atmosphere, create one-pot recipe for converting it into useful methanol https://massivesci.com/articles/carbon-dioxide-methanol-chemistry-reaction-one-pot-climate-change/ 3 comments science
- Fat cells "remember" early life eating behavior, and dietary changes later in life have less effect on lifespan than those early on (in mice) https://massivesci.com/notes/fat-cells-nutritional-memory-in-mice/ 51 comments science
- Light obligation correlates with strong mental health, but as obligations get heavier the trend reverses and correlates with depressive symptoms https://massivesci.com/notes/obligation-psychology-depression-well-being-relationships/ 4 comments science
- Fungi learn and get tougher when exposed to drought stress, but at the cost of becoming weaker when there is no stress https://massivesci.com/articles/fungi-climate-change-drought-stress-priming-memory-water/ 4 comments science
- General relativity confirmed on the scale of centimeters rather than light years using clocks https://massivesci.com/notes/physics-general-relativity-gravity-experiment-clocks/ 17 comments science
- Invasive Asian carp are "starving out" native species. Because they breed well in flood waters, every flood spreads them further inland https://massivesci.com/articles/invasive-carp-spring-flooding-midwest-prevention/ 31 comments science
- The insect apocalypse isn't universal: freshwater insect species numbers are up 11 percent, while terrestrial species are down 9 percent https://massivesci.com/notes/insects-apocalypse-conservation-extinction-habitats/ 5 comments science
- Cost analysis shows it'd take $1.4B to protect one Louisiana coastal town of 4,700 people from climate change-induced flooding https://massivesci.com/articles/flood-new-orleans-louisiana-lafitte-hurricane-cost-climate-change/ 2246 comments science
- Autistic girls have higher than average levels of androgens, but their bodies don't excrete them in urine. Points to a hormonal source for autism https://massivesci.com/notes/autism-hormones-female-research-overlooked-cause-diagnostics/ 56 comments science
- B. apis, a bacterium in the bee microbiome, can protect hives against Colony Collapse Disorder https://massivesci.com/articles/bacteria-bees-colony-collapse-disorder-pathogens-biocontrol/ 5 comments science
- Horse embryos start out with five toes, which then fuse until only one is left. Research shows this method of digit reduction is common across animal clades https://massivesci.com/notes/horse-toe-hoof-legs-anatomy-evolution/ 21 comments science
- Scientists sequence DNA from blood-stained papers to determine Jeal-Paul Sarat's skin disease. French revolutionary was likely soothing eczema in the bath at time of assassination https://massivesci.com/notes/dna-history-french-revolution-infection-skin/ 6 comments science
- Wealthy children are protected from lead poisoning, while poor children in the same area are not. Lead poisoning leads to developmental disorders and learning disabilities. https://massivesci.com/articles/lead-flint-water-crisis-poverty-income-health-pollution-poor-rich/ 55 comments science
- Plastic debris traps and kills hermit crabs that use it for shelter. One bottle alone killed over 500 crabs by itself https://massivesci.com/notes/crabs-plastic-waste-pollution-shell-beach-danger/ 15 comments science
- You live in a mostly 2D world, but the map in your brain charts the places you've been in 3D. Place cells in the brain light up in familiar places, both on the ground and climbing in the air https://massivesci.com/articles/3d-world-place-cells-mouse-brains-neuroscience/ 9 comments science
- Researchers use CRISPR to eliminate HIV in mice, DNA and all https://massivesci.com/articles/crispr-phage-therapy-hiv-microbes-cas9-editing-dna/ 8 comments science
- Human disturbance is drying out forests https://massivesci.com/notes/water-cycle-forests-management-canopy-fire-wild-fire-michigan-california/ 8 comments science
- The unique chemistry of cats’ guts make them the perfect host for Toxoplasma gondii https://massivesci.com/notes/toxoplasma-gondii-chemistry-cat-guts-sexual-reproduction-lifecycle/ 22 comments science
- Scientists tried to make knives out of frozen human poop. https://massivesci.com/notes/knives-manufactured-frozen-human-feces-poop-do-not-work/ 3 comments nottheonion
- AskScience AMA Series: We are Massive Science. We're closing the gap between scientists and the public. We're here to answer your questions about science communication and the best ways to merge art and science. AUA! https://massivesci.com/ 36 comments askscience
- A new comprehensive report in the Lancet shows how women in STEM face huge disadvantages https://massivesci.com/articles/lancet-women-stem-inequality-sex-discrimination/ 14 comments science
Linking pages
- Modern Scientists Are Wrong Far More Than You Think - Pacific Standard https://psmag.com/education/scientists-are-wrong-a-lot 3 comments
- Dark Matter, Explained by Janna Levin - The Atlantic - The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/518970/dark-matter-animated/?single_page=true 0 comments
- Why one scientist is quitting GMO research. https://slate.com/technology/2018/03/why-one-scientist-is-quitting-gmo-research.html 0 comments
- Could Gene Modification Be a Skeleton Key for Curing Alzheimer's? - Pacific Standard https://psmag.com/social-justice/can-crispr-help-cure-alzheimers 0 comments
- The Gut Microbiome Could Speed Up the Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease | Science| Smithsonian Magazine https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/gut-microbiome-could-speed-progression-alzheimers-disease-180973123/ 0 comments
- The Science Behind Why a Dog Loves to Be Called a "Good Boy" https://www.inverse.com/article/59234-can-dogs-really-truly-understand-us 0 comments
- What "Dark Waters" gets right about the DuPont/PFAS water pollution case https://massivesci.com/articles/dark-waters-pfas-focus-features-mark-ruffalo-anne-hathaway-sloan/ 0 comments
- Miniature Brains Recently Sent Out Brain Waves for the First Time | Science| Smithsonian Magazine https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/miniature-brains-send-out-brain-waves-first-time-180973784/ 0 comments
- Do Animals Prefer Smarter Mates? - Pacific Standard https://psmag.com/environment/do-animals-prefer-smarter-mates 0 comments
- Revisiting the Role of the Science Journalist https://undark.org/article/science-journalism-communications/ 0 comments
- Does modern neuroscience help us understand behavior? | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2017/10/07/does-modern-neuroscience-help-us-understand-behavior_partner/#.WdqcvIQh7Go.facebook 0 comments