Hacker News
- The Lord of the Rings Family Tree http://lotrproject.com/ 40 comments
- An Interactive Analysis of Tolkien's Works http://lotrproject.com/statistics/books/ 9 comments
- Interactive Map of Middle Earth http://lotrproject.com/map/#zoom=3&lat=-1315.5&lon=1500&layers=BTTTTT 5 comments books
- Tolkien's works are not only full of inspirational quotes but also vivid descriptions of evil. Here are a few great ones. http://lotrproject.com/blog/2014/12/04/9-terrifying-quotes-and-descriptions-of-evil-from-tolkiens-works/ 3 comments books
- Swedish translator of the Lord of the Rings fell out with Tolkien Estate and wrote the book 'Tolkien and the Black Magic' where he accused Tolkien and his fans of Nazi occultism, sex orgies and drug abuse http://lotrproject.com/blog/2014/03/23/9-things-related-to-tolkien-you-maybe-didnt-know/#translator 8 comments books
- I'm rereading LotR and thought others might find this handy as well http://lotrproject.com/timeline/ 8 comments books
- Decided to do a complete family tree of Middle-Earth after reading Tolkien's books too many times http://www.lotrproject.com 22 comments books
Linking pages
- The Hobbit at 80: much more than a childish prequel to The Lord of the Rings | JRR Tolkien | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2017/sep/21/the-hobbit-80-lord-of-the-rings-jrr-tolkien 0 comments
- I spent 10 hours retracing the Fellowship's journey in Minecraft Middle-earth | PC Gamer https://www.pcgamer.com/i-spent-10-hours-retracing-the-fellowships-journey-in-minecraft-middle-earth/ 0 comments