Hacker News
- Goldene: A single atom layer of gold https://liu.se/en/news-item/ett-atomlager-guld-liu-forskare-skapar-gulden 120 comments
- Learning transistor mimics the brain https://liu.se/en/news-item/laraktig-transistor-harmar-hjarnan 6 comments
- Eco-friendly and affordable battery for low-income countries. The battery is stable, as it can be used over 8000 cycles while maintaining about 80% of its performance. The battery retains its charge for approximately one week, significantly longer than other similar zinc-based batteries https://liu.se/en/news-item/miljovanligt-och-billigt-batteri-for-laginkomstlander 11 comments science
- A single atom layer of gold – LiU researchers create goldene https://liu.se/en/news-item/ett-atomlager-guld-liu-forskare-skapar-gulden 321 comments science
- Disturbed gut flora during the first years of life is associated with diagnoses such as autism and ADHD later in life, according to a study on more than 16,000 children born in 1997–1999 and followed from birth into their twenties https://liu.se/en/news-item/autism-and-adhd-are-linked-to-disturbed-gut-flora-very-early-in-life 460 comments science
- Swedish Scientists show that Electronic “soil” enhances crop growth https://liu.se/en/news-item/elektronisk-jord-okar-tillvaxten-hos-grodor 65 comments worldnews
- Swedish scientists develop "bioelectronic soil” that speeds up crop growth https://liu.se/en/news-item/elektronisk-jord-okar-tillvaxten-hos-grodor 51 comments futurology
- Advanced MRI technology detects changes in the brain after COVID-19 https://liu.se/en/news-item/changes-in-the-brain-after-covid-19-detected-using-advanced-mri-technology 2 comments science
- People who use gut feeling to determine what is true and false and believe truth is subjective are more likely to believe conspiracy theories and hold on to them even when faced with facts that contradict them. They also have a greater tendency to find profound messages in nonsense sentences. https://liu.se/en/news-item/they-fall-more-easily-for-conspiracy-theories 462 comments science
- People with dementia still have the ability to learn new things despite their illness, new findings debunk the general belief that people with dementia are empty shells https://liu.se/en/news-item/demens-satter-inte-stopp-for-nytt-larande 2 comments science
- High levels of the body’s own cannabinoid substances (endocannabinoid system) protect against developing addiction in individuals previously exposed to childhood maltreatment https://liu.se/en/news-item/the-brain-s-cannabinoid-system-protects-against-addiction-following-childhood-maltreatment 181 comments science
- Extreme earners are not extremely smart https://liu.se/en/news-item/de-som-tjanar-mest-ar-inte-smartast 342 comments economics
- Researchers have discovered a biological mechanism that increases the strength with which fear memories are stored in the brain. The study provides new knowledge on the mechanisms behind anxiety-related disorders, and identifies shared mechanisms behind anxiety and alcohol dependence https://liu.se/en/news-item/sa-fastnar-skrammande-minnen-i-vissa-hjarnor 2 comments science
- Ageing neutralises sex differences in the brain. When male and female fruit flies age, their brains become desexualized. Age-related changes take place in both sexes, but the male brain becomes feminized to a larger extent than the female brain becomes masculinized. https://liu.se/en/news-item/aldrande-neutraliserar-konsskillnader-i-hjarnan 14 comments science
- Building artificial nerve cells https://liu.se/en/news-item/de-bygger-artificiella-nervceller 5 comments futurology
- Inspired by the growth of bones researchers developed a combination of materials that can morph into various shapes, initially soft, but later hardens through a bone development process that uses the same materials found in the skeleton, starting to build an artificial bone https://liu.se/en/news-item/benbildning-inspirerade-till-mikrorobotar 4 comments science
- Silicon-based solar cells can at most convert 33% of sunlight into electricity, max theoretical efficiency known as Shockley-Queisser limit. Scientists have now solved the mystery of the missing energy in singlet fission, a major step to higher solar cell efficiency, from current 33% to over 40%. https://liu.se/en/news-item/energiforlustens-gata-lost 2 comments science
- Men obstructed from entering female-dominated occupations https://liu.se/en/news-item/man-hindras-att-ta-sig-in-i-kvinnodominerade-yrken 274 comments europe
- Job applications from men are discriminated against when they apply for female-dominated occupations, such as nursing, childcare and house cleaning. However, in male-dominated occupations such as mechanics, truck drivers and IT, a new study found no discrimination against women. https://liu.se/en/news-item/man-hindras-att-ta-sig-in-i-kvinnodominerade-yrken 5302 comments science
- A new study reveals that the levels of the stress hormone cortisol were increased in the months preceding a heart attack. The results suggest that long-term stress is a risk factor for heart attacks. https://liu.se/en/news-item/langvarig-stress-kopplad-till-okad-risk-for-hjartinfarkt 38 comments science
- Researchers at Linköping University have developed a molecule that absorbs energy from sunlight and stores it in chemical bonds. A possible long-term use of the molecule is to capture solar energy efficiently and store it for later consumption. https://liu.se/en/news-item/forskarnas-molekyl-lagrar-solenergi- 59 comments science
- Researchers have developed a molecule that absorbs energy from sunlight and stores it in chemical bonds by changing its structure. This "molecular photoswitch" could be used to efficiently capture solar energy and store it for later consumption. https://liu.se/en/news-item/forskarnas-molekyl-lagrar-solenergi- 9 comments science
- Scientists have developed organic solar cells optimized to convert ambient indoor light to electricity. The power they produce is low, but is probably enough to feed the millions of products that the internet of things will bring online. https://liu.se/en/news-item/solcellerna-flyttar-inomhus 6 comments science
- A new transistor based on organic materials has been developed by scientists. It has the ability to learn, and is equipped with both short-term and long-term memory. The work is a major step on the way to creating technology that mimics the human brain and towards AI using organic electronics. https://liu.se/en/news-item/laraktig-transistor-harmar-hjarnan 25 comments science
- Changing the serotonin levels in crickets makes them less active and less aggressive. But changing the dopamine levels of crickets did not change their behavior. These results raise the issue of how increasing levels of pharmaceuticals leaking into nature through our wastewater may affect animals. https://liu.se/en/news-item/lakemedel-for-manniskor-paverkar-syrsors-beteende 4 comments science
- Graphene takes a step towards renewable fuel - Researchers are working to develop a method to convert water and carbon dioxide to renewal fuel, such as ethanol and methane, using the energy from the sun and graphene applied to the surface of cubic silicon carbide. https://liu.se/en/news-item/grafen-i-flera-lager-nyckeln-till-fornybart-bransle 17 comments science
- It may in the future be possible to harvest energy with the aid of leaves fluttering in the wind. Researchers have developed a method and a material that generate an electrical impulse when the light fluctuates from sunshine to shade and vice versa. https://liu.se/en/news-item/tradens-lov-kan-hjalpa-oss-skorda-energi 3 comments science
- Dogs´social skills linked to oxytocin sensitivity: The tendency of dogs to seek contact with their owners is associated with genetic variations in sensitivity for the hormone oxytocin, according to a new study. https://liu.se/en/article/hundars-samspel-med-agaren-kopplat-till-kanslighet-for-oxytocin 8 comments science
- Researchers at Linköping University’s Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Sweden, have developed power paper – a new material with an outstanding ability to store energy. The material consists of nanocellulose and a conductive polymer. http://www.liu.se/forskning/forskningsnyheter/1.662150?l=en&sc=true 5 comments science
- Research on cultivated cells may be flawed: Study shows that cells grown in the laboratory behave very differently from cells in the body, and the change is so great that it can affect the interpretation of a study. https://www.liu.se/forskning/forskningsnyheter/1.619118/1.620027?l=en 42 comments science
- Quantum dots provide complete control of photons: By emitting photons from a quantum dot at the top of a micropyramid, researchers are creating a polarized light source for such things as energy-saving computer screens and wiretap-proof communication http://www.liu.se/forskning/forskningsnyheter/1.541547?l=en 11 comments science
- A simple measurement of the sweat gland activity of a depressed person can determine if he or she is suicidal – with 97 per cent accuracy. http://www.liu.se/forskning/forskningsnyheter/1.509002/1.509016?l=en 370 comments science
- Researchers have identified six proteins in spinal fluid that can be used as markers for, and for early diagnosis of, Alzheimer's disease http://www.liu.se/forskning/forskningsnyheter/1.516740?l=en 7 comments science
- Water gives life. Researchers at Linköping University now show how the cells in our bodies are driven mainly by water power - a discovery that in the long run opens the way for a new strategy in cancer therapy http://www.liu.se/forskning/forskningsnyheter/1.460229?l=en 13 comments science