Hacker News
- Neat CSS focus trick for input fields https://lab.hakim.se/focussss/ 2 comments
- Reveal.js http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/#/ 50 comments
- Buttons with built-in loading indicators http://lab.hakim.se/ladda/ 61 comments
- Kort - a thumbnail preview concept http://lab.hakim.se/kort/ 34 comments
- Fokus - new UI concept that emphasizes text-selection http://lab.hakim.se/fokus/ 28 comments
- Reveal.js - HTML Presentation Framework http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/#/ 2 comments
- Avgrund: a modal concept, designed to show depth http://lab.hakim.se/avgrund/ 17 comments
- CSS3 Scroll Effects http://lab.hakim.se/scroll-effects/ 49 comments
- Beautiful CSS 3D Slideshow http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/ 13 comments
- Gotta love this fancy button - Flipside http://lab.hakim.se/flipside/ 5 comments web_design
- Flipside demo: cool button effect where the button transitions from action to confirmation in a 3D rotation http://lab.hakim.se/flipside/ 15 comments web_design
- Ladda http://lab.hakim.se/ladda/ 13 comments javascript
- stroll.js - Awesome CSS3 scroll effects http://lab.hakim.se/scroll-effects/ 6 comments webdev
- Kontext: A context-shift transition http://lab.hakim.se/kontext/ 4 comments web_design
- Fokus - Emphasized text-selection concept http://lab.hakim.se/fokus 5 comments web_design
- A tiny modal concept which tries to give a sense of depth between the page and modal layers http://lab.hakim.se/avgrund/ 29 comments web_design
- Cool 3D UI Experiment http://lab.hakim.se/meny/ 33 comments webdev
- Animated Github Ribbon http://lab.hakim.se/forkit-js/ 3 comments webdev
- Animated Github Ribbon http://lab.hakim.se/forkit-js/ 2 comments javascript
Linking pages
Linked pages
- The HTML presentation framework | reveal.js https://revealjs.com/ 110 comments
- stroll.js - CSS3 Scroll Effects http://lab.hakim.se/scroll-effects/ 55 comments
- Avgrund - A modal UI concept http://lab.hakim.se/avgrund/ 46 comments
- Sketch Toy: Draw sketches and share replays with friends! https://sketchtoy.com/ 14 comments
- Slides – Create and Share Presentations for Free https://slides.com 0 comments