Hacker News
- The Durbin Amendment is responsible for modern fintech as we know it https://kunle.app/feb-2022-children-of-durbin.html 3 comments
- Driving payment card adoption with deeplinks, applinks, long cards, and autofill https://kunle.app/september-2021-card-tactics.html 6 comments
- Why Covid passports are taking so long https://kunle.app/march-2021-Why-your-COVID-Passport-is-taking-so-long.html 2 comments
- Killing TurboTax https://kunle.app/feb-2021-how-to-dismantle-turbotax.html 662 comments
- Common Problems in Financial Services Reconciliation https://kunle.app/dec-2020-financial-reconciliation.html 22 comments
- API Routing Layers in financial services https://kunle.app/may-2020-API-routing-layers.html 7 comments
- Vertical Neobanks https://kunle.app/march-2020-vertical-banks.html 8 comments