- Russia President: 'it is necessary to take effective measures to reduce inflation in our country.. to coordinate efforts of the Central Bank and the Government to joint work at eliminating external and internal factors of inflation.' http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/67797 9 comments economics
- CSTO meeting: Putin says militants, bandits, terrorists involved in Kazakh situation. 'vital facilities, including Almaty airport, have been completely cleared of terrorists and bandits'. Also Tajikistan calls for "security belt" around Tajik-Afghan border and CSTO coordination on terrorism. http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/67568 5 comments geopolitics
- Kremlin officially confirms phone talk with Lukashenka and readiness to help against the "pressure exerted on Belarus from outside" [RU] http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/63894 5 comments geopolitics
- Putin thanked Donald Trump for providing information that helped russian security services prevent terrorist attack in Saint-Petersburg http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/62518 5 comments worldnews
- The President has issued a decree recognizing the ID and education documents issued in the People's Republics, and formally granting visa-free travel to their holders http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/53895 4 comments russia
- Legal basis for Syrian campaign http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/50399 7 comments russia
- On the phone Putin told Dutch PM Rutte, UN tribunal on #MH17 is premature and counterproductive, also said that leaks to the press are politicized and must be stopped http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/50004 33 comments europe
- Russian president Vladimir Putin calls Eastern Ukraine 'New Russia' in official statement http://www.kremlin.ru/news/46506 13 comments worldnews
- Putin fires 18 high-ranking officers http://kremlin.ru/acts/46405 11 comments russia
- Путин запретил ввоз некоторой сельскохозяйственной продукции, сырья и продовольствия из стран, которые ввели санкции против России http://www.kremlin.ru/news/46404 32 comments russia
- Want a president that's in with the times? Russian president Medvedev starts a videoblog http://www.kremlin.ru/sdocs/vappears.shtml 2 comments technology