- Ukraine has legalized the cryptocurrencies sector - President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has inked the Law of Ukraine "On Virtual Assets" https://www.kmu.gov.ua/en/news/ukrayina-legalizuvala-kriptosektor-prezident-pidpisav-profilnij-zakon 7 comments cryptocurrency
- Crowdfund the Ukrainian army - found this on the govt website and it seems legit https://www.kmu.gov.ua/en/news/nacbank-ukrayini-vidkriv-specialnij-rahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-pidtrimku-zbrojnih-sil-ukrayini 20 comments worldnews
- Ukraine winds up 2021 with the highest dollar GDP in the history of Independence, amounting to 195 billion USD https://www.kmu.gov.ua/en/news/ukrayina-zavershuye-2021-rik-z-najvishchim-dolarovim-vvp-za-vsyu-istoriyu-nezalezhnosti-yuliya-sviridenko 126 comments europe
- Ukraine closes its airspace for transit Belarussian planes. From tomorrow all non-domestic Belavia flight will fly out of Belarus through Russia only https://www.kmu.gov.ua/en/news/uryad-zaboroniv-z-29-travnya-vikoristannya-povitryanogo-prostoru-ukrayini-povitryanimi-sudnami-zareyestrovanimi-v-bilorusi 134 comments europe
- Government of Ukraine approves a package of bills that condemns Nazi & Communist regimes in Ukraine and bans their propaganda, declassifies archives of the repressive Communist authorities. http://www.kmu.gov.ua/control/en/publish/article?art_id=248062005&cat_id=244314975 3 comments worldnews