Hacker News
- Janet for Mortals https://janet.guide/ 41 comments lisp , programming
- Janet for Mortals https://janet.guide/ 4 comments programming
- Janet for Mortals https://janet.guide/ 5 comments lisp
Linking pages
- It's 2023, so of course I'm learning Common Lisp https://log.schemescape.com/posts/programming-languages/learning-lisp-in-2023.html 341 comments
- Why I Chose Common Lisp — Dan's Musings https://blog.djhaskin.com/blog/why-i-chose-common-lisp/ 237 comments
- Why Janet? https://ianthehenry.com/posts/why-janet/ 195 comments
- Janet for Mortals https://ianthehenry.com/posts/janet-for-mortals/ 78 comments
- A Second Search for Bash Scripting Alternatives - Monzool's Personal Publishing https://monzool.net/blog/2024/07/14/a-second-search-for-bash-scripting-alternatives/ 71 comments
- Building Bauble https://ianthehenry.com/posts/bauble/building-bauble/ 40 comments
- Design and disappointment | Thomasorus https://thomasorus.com/design-and-disappointment.html 0 comments