- Direct link to Apple's Face ID security white paper https://images.apple.com/business/docs/faceid_security_guide.pdf 24 comments apple
- To anyone who has taught Swift, what would you charge for a class for grade schoolers and what resources could you suggest to keep it engaging and fun? https://images.apple.com/education/docs/Swift_Playgrounds_Curriculum_Guide.pdf 4 comments swift
- Apple September Event 2017 Invitation Analysis [MEGATHREAD] https://images.apple.com/apple-events/september-2017/video/poster_xlarge_2x.jpg 74 comments apple
- TIL Apple videos often include Audio Descriptions as separate audio tracks. https://images.apple.com/media/us/homepod/2017/dc73c1ef_eae9_4146_b080_5fbb3684b99e/films/feature/homepod-feature-tft-cc-us-20170605_1536x640h.mp4 4 comments apple
- [Discussion] Maybe a little consistency would help? (Wallet) (iOS11) https://images.apple.com/ios/ios-11-preview/overview/combinedfeatures/appstore/image_large.jpg 12 comments apple
- New iOS Home Ad http://images.apple.com/media/us/ios/2017/cdf6964f_5da5_4258_a8eb_6b1bb67a8dd5/home/films/featured/ios-home-featured-cc-us-20170222_1280x720h.mp4 117 comments apple
- Apple wallpaper from October 2016 Event http://images.apple.com/apple-events/october-2016/video/poster_large_2x.jpg 11 comments apple
- Understanding Apple's Web Animations http://images.apple.com/v/iphone-7/c/images/overview/hero_large.jpg 5 comments webdev
- HQ Image of Invitation on Apple Website http://images.apple.com/apple-events/september-2016/teaser/hero_image_medium.jpg 3 comments apple
- Apple Q3FY16 results: -15% revenue, all hardware down, iPad sells less, but more expensive http://images.apple.com/pr/pdf/q3fy16datasum.pdf 12 comments apple
- Just to clarify what Apple can and can not recover http://images.apple.com/privacy/docs/legal-process-guidelines-us.pdf 73 comments apple
- Can AirPort Express substitute Powerlines? http://images.apple.com/airport-express/images/safety_image.jpg 24 comments apple
- Have you watched the Macbook Design film? It's a work of art http://images.apple.com/media/us/macbook/2015/98474cad-63d2-443a-9125-a1a80bc150dc/tour/design/macbook-design-cc-us-20150309_r848-9dwc.mov 92 comments apple
- SS Apple Watch comes with Plastic Carrying Case? http://images.apple.com/environment/reports/docs/AppleWatch_PER_april2015.pdf 3 comments apple
- Any idea where I could find this wallpaper from the Macbook product page? http://images.apple.com/macbook/overview/images/overview_builtinapps_large_2x.jpg 5 comments apple
- How come no one is talking about this mystery iOS app from the Apple Watch website and the fact that it’s using San Francisco for it’s typeface? http://images.apple.com/watch/health-and-fitness/images/at_a_glance_large_2x.jpg 42 comments apple
- Apple Store Hangzhou, what do the ideograms mean? http://images.apple.com/media/cn/retail/2015/3b340d70-8a3e-11e4-b4a9-0800200c9a66/tours/westlake-store/retail-westlake-store-cn-20150115_r848-9dwc.mov?width=848&height=480&expectingMovieJson=true 7 comments apple
- Apple's New Holiday Ad - 'The Song' http://images.apple.com/media/us/holiday/2014/228c49e2-e48c-4fae-b4c5-9d6dbb271c12/tv-spots/the-song/apple-holiday-the-song-cc-us-20141210_r848-9dwc.mov 194 comments apple
- brb http://images.apple.com/r/store/backsoon/1x-covers-animation-v3.gif 6 comments apple
- Does anyone know where to find this image? http://images.apple.com/v/ipad-air-2/a/images/overview/display_large.png 6 comments apple
- Apple loves the protruding camera lense so much they remove it from their product images. http://images.apple.com/iphone-6/overview/images/design_details_right_large.jpg 202 comments apple
- Someone know where I can get this Yosemite wallpaper http://images.apple.com/osx/preview/design/images/apps-gallery/osx_design_view_reminders.jpg 13 comments apple
- Apple uses NSA bugged P-256 elliptic curve for iCloud keychain syncing http://images.apple.com/ipad/business/docs/iOS_Security_Feb14.pdf 57 comments apple
- iOS Security - February 2014 [PDF] http://images.apple.com/iphone/business/docs/ios_security_feb14.pdf 3 comments netsec
- iOS Security http://images.apple.com/iphone/business/docs/ios_security_feb14.pdf 28 comments apple
- Apple releases “Report on Government Information Requests” http://images.apple.com/pr/pdf/131105reportongovernmentinforequests2.pdf 5 comments apple
- Apple releases "Report on Government Information Requests" http://images.apple.com/pr/pdf/131105reportongovernmentinforequests2.pdf 14 comments technology
- High-res images of the new devices http://images.apple.com/iphone-5s/home/images/cases_hero_2x.png 84 comments apple
- iBooks for Mac uses a white title bar unlike every other app. Is this simply to blend in with the pages of the books, or might there be another reason? http://images.apple.com/osx/preview/images/galleries/ibooks_studying.jpg 13 comments apple
- So have Apple removed Spotlight? The symbol is missing from the bottom? http://images.apple.com/ios/ios7/design/images/design_hero_screen.jpg 6 comments apple
- Anyone have a copy of this wallpaper? http://images.apple.com/ios/ios7/design/images/design_layers.jpg 6 comments apple
- Mac OSX Maverick Core Technology Overview [Required Reading for Mac Sysadmins] http://images.apple.com/osx/preview/docs/OSX_Mavericks_Core_Technology_Overview.pdf 4 comments sysadmin
- Help with rendering over night. http://images.apple.com/mx/imac/images/overview_new1_20110426.png 6 comments blender
- Apple releases official "iOS Security" whitepaper http://images.apple.com/ipad/business/docs/ios_security_may12.pdf 4 comments apple
- Apple iOS Security Overview - PDF (May 2012) http://images.apple.com/iphone/business/docs/ios_security_may12.pdf 4 comments apple
- DAE think this new circle metal icons are kinda ugly? http://images.apple.com/macosx/images/overview_bucket_new_features.png 4 comments apple
- Can someone confirm that working at Apple is indeed as amazing as they say in the video? http://images.apple.com/jobs/global/media/en/retail_overview-20102010.mov 39 comments apple
- I thought Apple was into innovation, so why is it that they are releasing add ons to make their apparently 'innovative' products work like horrible uninnovative ones? Oh that's right, it's not about innovation, it's about taking away things people need then selling it back to them at a premium price http://images.apple.com/ipad/design/images/accessories_20100127.jpg 14 comments technology
- An Overview of Apples Grand Central Dispatch (Lambda in C, C++ and Objective-C) http://images.apple.com/macosx/technology/docs/grandcentral_tb_brief_20090608.pdf 141 comments programming
- Side by side comparison of iMac and Dell XPS 410 [pic] http://images.apple.com/imac/images/gallery/imackeyboard_4_20070807.jpg 215 comments reddit.com