Hacker News
- Ruby is still great! http://hmans.io/posts/2017/01/10/ruby-is-still-great.html 8 comments programming , ruby
- What are some use cases where Elixir/Phoenix is more advantageous than Ruby/Rails? https://hmans.io/posts/2017/05/24/elixir-phoenix-use-cases.html 18 comments elixir
- Adventures of an Ancient Web Developer in JavaScript Land https://hmans.io/posts/2017/05/04/ancient-web-developer-goes-javascript.html 4 comments webdev
- Adventures of an Ancient Web Developer in JavaScript Land https://hmans.io/posts/2017/05/04/ancient-web-developer-goes-javascript.html 34 comments javascript
- Ruby is Still Great http://hmans.io/posts/2017/01/10/ruby-is-still-great.html 47 comments ruby
- rbfu 0.3.0, the light-weight alternative to RVM and rbenv http://hmans.io/2012/06/27/rbfu-0-3-0/ 51 comments ruby
- re: 501 Developer Manifesto http://hmans.io/2012/04/23/the-501-developer-manifesto/ 24 comments programming
- Ruby Off Rails, Part 1: your first Ruby web app using Sinatra and Heroku http://hmans.io/2012/04/10/ruby-off-rails-1-sinatra-and-heroku/ 6 comments ruby
- Where do we go from here? - Ruby in the Cloud http://hmans.io/2012/04/05/where-do-we-go-from-here/ 6 comments ruby