- What is the meaning of life. https://www.hedweb.com/bgcharlton/meaning-of-life.html 47 comments philosophy
- High-tech Jainism — David Pearce https://www.hedweb.com/transhumanism/neojainism.html 4 comments philosophy
- How genetic engineering and nanotechnology could be used to abolish suffering in all sentient life. https://www.hedweb.com/abolitionist-project/index.html 432 comments philosophy
- David Pearce - The Hedonistic Imperative (the abolition of all suffering via technology) http://hedweb.com/hedab.htm 102 comments philosophy
- AMA going on with transhumanist philosopher David Pearce http://www.hedweb.com/hedab.htm 12 comments philosophy
- The Orgasmic Brain http://www.hedweb.com/hedethic/orgasmic.htm 4 comments science
- Many-Worlds: Observer-Independent Quantum Mechanics http://www.hedweb.com/manworld.htm 4 comments science