- A 8.3-magnitude earthquake struck off Chile's coast on Wednesday September 16, 2015. Since then, 45 quakes has occurred, 8 of them are 6M and higher. http://healthintelligence.drupalgardens.com/content/chile-earthquake-83-magnitude-quake-strikes-coast 3 comments worldnews
- Overweight and Obesity Worldwide is Growing at an Alarming Rate http://healthintelligence.drupalgardens.com/content/overweight-and-obesity-growing-alarming-rate 13 comments worldnews
- Cuba remained at 4.2 per thousand live births, the infant mortality rate, the lowest in its history (+ Data Visualization) http://healthintelligence.drupalgardens.com/content/visualizing-infant-mortality-rate-cuba 8 comments worldnews
- 112 imported cases of Chikungunya have been recorded in continental US due to current outbreak in the Caribbean http://healthintelligence.drupalgardens.com/content/travel-associated-cases-chikungunya-united-states 3 comments worldnews
- Chikungunya virus, a new mosquito-borne disease in the Americas with about 190,000 cases since December 2013 http://healthintelligence.drupalgardens.com/content/chikungunya-virus-new-vector-borne-disease-americas 15 comments worldnews
- 25 Ebola Virus Disease outbreaks since 1976 and a current one originated in Guinea has spread to Sierra Leona and Liberia http://healthintelligence.drupalgardens.com/content/chronology-ebola-virus-disease-outbreaks-1976-2014 3 comments worldnews
- An outbreak of Ebola virus disease is happening in West Africa with 395 cases, 215 deaths and a case fatality of 54% as today http://healthintelligence.drupalgardens.com/content/ebola-virus-disease-outbreak-west-africa-2014 152 comments worldnews