- China releases 2024 economic data https://www.gov.cn/lianbo/bumen/202501/content_6999261.htm 60 comments china
- China to grant 9 more countries visa free travel: Citizens of Slovakia, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein and South Korea can enter China visa free for 15 days between Nov 8 2024~ Dec 31 2025 https://www.gov.cn/lianbo/bumen/202411/content_6984511.htm 45 comments china
- What has happened to China's Social credit system? http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2014-06/27/content_8913.htm 23 comments china
- Why is there no mention of China’s 12 trillion yuan stimulus package announced yesterday? I can only find it in the Chinese government website and a small amount of news in Chinese media. http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/2022-05/24/content_5692004.htm 57 comments economics
- China is already in war mode http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2022-05/05/content_5688712.htm 31 comments wallstreetbets
- Will China act if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine? http://www.gov.cn/jrzg/2013-12/05/content_2543057.htm 49 comments china
- The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dumps Microsoft for Linux (and Oracle for PostgreSQL) http://gov.cnews.ru/top/2014/08/06/minzdrav_rf_otkazyvaetsya_ot_subd_oracle_i_microsoft_v_polzu_svobodnogo_po_581882 7 comments opensource
- The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dumps Microsoft for Linux (and Oracle for PostgreSQL) http://gov.cnews.ru/top/2014/08/06/minzdrav_rf_otkazyvaetsya_ot_subd_oracle_i_microsoft_v_polzu_svobodnogo_po_581882 17 comments linux