Hacker News
- Cruise Releases Third-Party Findings Regarding San Francisco Incident https://getcruise.com/news/blog/2024/cruise-releases-third-party-findings-regarding-october-2/ 2 comments
- We're going commercial https://www.getcruise.com/news/were-going-commercial/ 34 comments
- A new kind of equity program https://www.getcruise.com/news/a-new-kind-of-equity-program/ 40 comments
- Cruise is opening driverless cars to the public in San Francisco https://www.getcruise.com/news/welcome-riders/ 636 comments
- Walmart delivery powered by Cruise – Self-driving deliveries are here https://www.getcruise.com/walmartdelivery/ 3 comments
- The Cruise Origin https://www.getcruise.com/origin/ 273 comments
- Robotaxi firm Cruise says new data shows its self-driving cars are far safer than human-driven cars; in 94% of collisions the robotaxis were involved in the 'primary contribution' was the human driver. https://getcruise.com/news/blog/2023/human-ridehail-crash-rate-benchmark/ 103 comments futurology
- After low-speed bus crash, Cruise recalled software for its self-driving taxis https://www.getcruise.com/news/blog/2023/why-we-do-av-recalls/ 32 comments technology
- [N] Cruise is opening driverless cars to the public in San Francisco https://www.getcruise.com/news/welcome-riders/ 7 comments machinelearning
- Walmart delivery powered by Cruise – Self-driving deliveries are here https://www.getcruise.com/walmartdelivery 6 comments technology
Linking pages
- Y Combinator - Top 50 Software Startups https://charliereese.ca/article/top-50-y-combinator-tech-startups 160 comments
- For $10,000, your car can drive itself - The Verge http://theverge.com/2014/6/23/5834604/cruise-trying-to-reinvent-cruise-control-to-steer-brake-and-actually-drive-you 159 comments
- 2017 YC Annual Letter - Sam Altman http://blog.samaltman.com/2017-yc-annual-letter 151 comments
- Report: GM and Waymo lead driverless car race; Tesla lags far behind | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/cars/2018/01/why-analysts-put-gm-and-waymo-far-ahead-of-tesla-in-driverless-car-race/ 113 comments
- GM buys self-driving car kit startup Cruise, plans to use tech to make driverless cars • TechCrunch http://techcrunch.com/2016/03/11/gm-buys-self-driving-tech-startup-cruise-as-part-of-a-plan-to-make-driverless-cars/?ncid=rss 83 comments
- AI: Startup Vs Incumbent Value - by Elad Gil - Elad Blog https://blog.eladgil.com/p/ai-startup-vs-incumbent-value 30 comments
- Startups need to respect the laws of retail physics | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2016/07/05/startups-need-to-respect-the-laws-of-retail-physics/?ncid=rss 19 comments
- Robotics has its first unicorn — small SF startup Cruise Automation | by Andra Keay | Silicon Valley Robotics | Medium https://medium.com/silicon-valley-robotics/robotics-has-its-first-unicorn-small-sf-startup-cruise-automation-11b3ab16aeb1#.uky97xftl 12 comments
- Microsoft (MSFT) Invests in Self-Driving Electric Car Venture https://www.investopedia.com/microsoft-msft-invests-in-self-driving-electric-car-venture-5096128 6 comments
- San Francisco’s Hot Tourist Attraction: Driverless Cars - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/22/travel/self-driving-cars-san-francisco.html 6 comments
- GitHub - sample-resume/awesome-easy-apply: 🚀 A curated list of 800+ software engineering companies that use easy-to-apply job platforms like Lever and Greenhouse https://github.com/sample-resume/awesome-easy-apply 4 comments
- GitHub - vmayoral/ros-robotics-companies: A list of robotics companies using the Robot Operating System (ROS and ROS 2). https://github.com/vmayoral/ros-robotics-companies 2 comments
- Lessons From Deploying Deep Learning To Production https://thegradient.pub/lessons-from-deploying-deep-learning-to-production/ 2 comments
- General Motors vs. Tesla: Software Engineer Pay | Dice.com Career Advice https://insights.dice.com/2019/09/17/general-motors-tesla-software-engineer/ 2 comments
- At $1.1 Billion Google's Self-Driving Car Moonshot Looks Like A Bargain https://www.forbes.com/sites/alanohnsman/2017/09/15/at-1-1-billion-googles-self-driving-car-moonshot-looks-like-a-bargain/#40ee68a757bb 1 comment
- Ryan Choi (Edition # 14) - by Michael Spiro - The Takeoff https://thetakeoff.substack.com/p/ryan-choi-edition-14 1 comment
- Y Combinator Unbound. YC is the dominant force in American… | by Michael De La Maza | Medium https://medium.com/@michaeldelamaza/y-combinator-unbound-c69d27217525 1 comment
- Report: GM and Waymo lead driverless car race; Tesla lags far behind | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/01/why-analysts-put-gm-and-waymo-far-ahead-of-tesla-in-driverless-car-race/ 1 comment
- AI Revolution - Transformers and Large Language Models (LLMs) https://blog.eladgil.com/p/ai-revolution-transformers-and-large 1 comment
- Tracking Methane Leaks for Planet and Profit | Climate Now https://climatenow.com/podcast/tracking-methane-leaks-for-planet-and-profit/ 1 comment