- How media has contributed to the rise of the AfD https://geographical.co.uk/geopolitics/how-media-has-contributed-to-the-rise-of-the-afd 169 comments germany
- How outer space can be the solution to cheap power https://geographical.co.uk/news/how-outer-space-can-be-the-solution-to-cheap-power 21 comments space
- What did we do to tackle the climate crisis in the first quarter of the 21st century? https://geographical.co.uk/climate-change/recapping-the-almost-first-quarter-of-the-21st-century 40 comments climate
- Tim Marshall: North Korea marches us nearer to a bipolar conflict https://geographical.co.uk/geopolitics/north-korea-marches-us-nearer-to-a-bipolar-conflict 25 comments geopolitics
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- Can we learn from environmental protests – then and now? https://geographical.co.uk/science-environment/can-we-learn-from-environmental-protests-then-and-now 3 comments environment
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- Tim Marshall on why it is so important that the USA and China can talk to each other https://geographical.co.uk/geopolitics/why-the-us-and-chinas-relationship-is-vital 2 comments geopolitics
- US$12 trillion needed to triple global renewables by 2030 https://geographical.co.uk/news/us12-trillion-needed-to-triple-global-renewables-by-2030 24 comments technology
- Belgium votes to make ecocide a crime under international law https://geographical.co.uk/science-environment/belgium-recognises-ecocide-as-international-level-crime 20 comments europe
- The Belgian Federal Parliament voted today in favour of a revised penal code that makes ecocide punishable at both national and international levels, making the country the first European nation to recognise ecocide under international law. https://geographical.co.uk/science-environment/belgium-recognises-ecocide-as-international-level-crime 5 comments environment
- ‘Darwin’s Oak’ to be felled to make way for Shrewsbury Bypass https://geographical.co.uk/news/darwins-oak-to-be-felled-to-make-way-for-shrewsbury-bypass 57 comments environment
- Climate-driven food shortages could cause civil unrest in the UK. 40 per cent of the experts surveyed believe that unrest was either possible or more likely than not in the next 10 years, increasing to nearly 80 per cent over the next 50 years. https://geographical.co.uk/climate-change/climate-driven-food-shortages-could-cause-civil-unrest-in-uk 98 comments science
- Decrease in the Brazilian Amazon deforestation rate under President Lula https://geographical.co.uk/news/decrease-in-amazon-deforestation-under-president-lula 29 comments worldnews
- The UK's plan to sequence the genomes of 200,000 newborn babies https://geographical.co.uk/people/development/item/4207-the-uk-is-planning-a-pilot-project-to-sequence-the-genomes-of-200-000-newborn-babies 4 comments europe
- CONIFA, the World Cup for unrecognised nations: As the world prepares for the next FIFA tournament in Russia, the top football teams from the world's unrecognised nations square off in London with teams such as Quebec, Yorkshire & West Sahara facing each other. http://geographical.co.uk/people/cultures/item/2767-conifa-the-world-cup-for-unrecognised-nations 13 comments soccer
- Link between air pollution and diabetes grows stronger. Scientists believe that exposure to traffic-related air pollutants can cause insulin resistance. The authors also concluded that demographic factors explained the possible relationship between the two. http://geographical.co.uk/places/cities/item/2321-link-between-air-pollution-and-diabetes-grows-stronger 17 comments science
- Danger zones: mapping Europe’s earthquakes http://geographical.co.uk/places/mapping/item/2125-danger-zones-mapping-europe-s-earthquakes 15 comments europe
- An extensive study by the US Fish and Wildlife Service has predicted that in the next 35 to 41 years, polar bear populations across the Arctic could reduce by almost a third. http://geographical.co.uk/nature/polar/item/2076-polar-bear-populations-to-decrease-by-30-percent-by-2050 3 comments science
- Polar bear populations to decrease 30 per cent by 2050 http://geographical.co.uk/nature/polar/item/2076-polar-bear-populations-to-decrease-by-30-percent-by-2050 14 comments worldnews
- Already known as a keystone species, research shows that beavers in North America can also sink excess nitrogen in the watershed http://geographical.co.uk/nature/wildlife/item/1363-beavers-create-nitrogen-sinks 28 comments science
- The hidden cost of second-hand clothing http://www.geographical.co.uk/opinion/item/894-the-hidden-cost-of-second-hand-clothing 4 comments geopolitics