Hacker News
- Hacking Maricopa County; Full Testimony https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/340117-2023-02-25-full-testimony-of-jacqueline-breger-at-az-committee-02-23.htm 7 comments
- Ernest Hancock & Dr. Brian Sovryn discuss how private VPN's really are | alternate communication systems & power for independent living https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Media/314882-2021-10-29-2021-10-29-ernest-hancock-interviews-dr-brian-sovryn-on.htm 4 comments goldandblack
- Interview I gave about CSW's hostile takeover attempt https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Media/Media-Files/001-1114114242-2018-11-14-Hour-2-Chris-Pacia---Bitcoin-Cash-Hard-Fork.mp3 25 comments btc
- "When I was a schoolboy, we were taught about Soviet show trials, where the verdict was decided beforehand by apparatchiks and a trial was staged to legitimize it. I never expected to see such a thing in America… but I did." -Paul Rosenberg https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Article/240136-2018-05-15-justice-condemned-the-ross-ulbricht-case.htm?EdNo=001&From=RSS 4 comments btc
- Anonymous vows to attack Federal Reserve http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/news/091682-2011-06-14-anonymous-vows-to-attack-federal-reserve.htm#.tfgkwn1ffdm;reddit 13 comments economy
- U.S. finally penalizes major banks for mortgage modification failures http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/news/091538-2011-06-12-u-s-finally-penalizes-major-banks-for-mortgage-modification-failures.htm#.tfwiufg_nye;reddit 5 comments economy
- Oklahoma passes law to restrict Westboro Baptist protests http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/news/088038-2011-04-18-oklahoma-passes-law-to-restrict-westboro-baptist-protests.htm?sms_ss=reddit&at_xt=4dad275647ba6f72%2C0 13 comments reddit.com
- DARPA Creates Interactive 3-D Holographic Map Table http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/news/086732-2011-03-29-darpa-creates-interactive-3-d-holographic-map-table.htm?sms_ss=reddit&at_xt=4d929a4f3d7e296c%2C0 4 comments reddit.com
- Fission Products in Seattle Reveal Clues about Japan Nuclear Disaster http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/news/086724-2011-03-29-fission-products-in-seattle-reveal-clues-about-japan-nuclear-disaster.htm?sms_ss=reddit&at_xt=4d927209fe5069cc%2C0 4 comments reddit.com
- AT&T to cap users’ Internet access, impose fees for too much information http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/news/085775-2011-03-15-at-t-to-cap-users-internet-access-impose-fees-for.htm?sms_ss=reddit&at_xt=4d803c48e8988a1c%2C0 5 comments reddit.com
- A Constitutional Attorney Has Read the Entire H.C. Bill http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/article/076434-2010-10-05-a-constitutional-attorney-has-read-the-entire-h-c-bill.htm?from=news 4 comments reddit.com
- Illegal crossers are being attacked by gunfire in southern Arizona. | The Sheriff’s Department of Santa Cruz County, along the border with Mexico, has reported more than 50 attacks since April, 2008, to date .. some 12 immigrants have received bullet wounds and at least three have died. http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/news/070628-2010-06-22-illegal-crossers-are-being-attacked-by-gunfire-in-southern-arizona.htm 5 comments politics
- Haitian Farmers Commit to Burning Monsanto Hybrid Seeds http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/news/069074-2010-05-19-haitian-farmers-commit-to-burning-monsanto-hybrid-seeds.htm 3 comments reddit.com
- More right wing nuttery: "yes, generally I have to praise [Stack] for what he did" and "Rest in Peace, Mr. Stack" http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/opinion/065272-2010-02-18-rest-in-peace-mr-stack.htm? 6 comments politics
- Do You have the right to Flip off a Cop? http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/find-freedom.htm?at=0071444&from=news 5 comments reddit.com
- THINGS THAT GO 'BUMP' IN THE ROAD - How IEDs Work http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/article/017431-2007-04-18-things-that-go-bump-in-the-road-how-ieds-work.htm? 3 comments science
- Should You Deal on the Black Market? http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/article/052202-2009-06-22-should-you-deal-on-the-black-market.htm? 3 comments politics
- ACTUAL FOOTAGE Pastor Steven Anderson Beaten & Tased by Border Patrol & DPS http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/feature-article.htm?info=0056971 118 comments reddit.com
- They spy on you then threaten you. http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/feature-article.htm?info=0056744 4 comments reddit.com
- 500 marijuana advocates gather in central Phoenix to support and kick off a ballot initiative in arizona to legalize Medical marijuana. http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/feature-article.htm?info=0056122 14 comments reddit.com
- Ron Paul Did Not Expect This Response From Hillary Clinton - Watch Until The End http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/find-freedom.htm?edno=001&at=0055217 515 comments politics
- Stop Monsanto now http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/find-freedom.htm?at=045630 7 comments reddit.com
- Maybe *This* Is How The War On Marijuana Ends : An Illinois jury has found a man innocent in a marijuana case that would have sent him to prison http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/find-freedom.htm?edno=001&at=044844 2 comments reddit.com
- Maybe *This* Is How The War On Marijuana Ends : An Illinois jury has found a man innocent in a marijuana case that would have sent him to prison http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/find-freedom.htm?edno=001&at=044844 360 comments politics
- Suit alleges former Haliburton subisidary KBR 'knowingly and intentionally supplied to U.S. forces food that was expired, spoiled, rotten, or contaminated with shrapnel, or other materials'. http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/find-freedom.htm?at=042449&from=news 19 comments business
- The NSA & FBI admit they listen to your cell phones - on or off http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/find-freedom.htm?at=037235&from=news 4 comments reddit.com
- Report from Nevada GOP Caucus (Ron Paul can not be allowed to win... but he is :) http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/feature-article.htm?infono=032805 17 comments politics
- Lemon In Your Drink? Think Twice. http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/find-freedom.htm?at=030157&from=news 33 comments reddit.com
- 13 Year old gilr stripsearched in public for Ibuprofen - Courts say it's okay! http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/find-freedom.htm?at=024361&from=news 174 comments reddit.com
- MSNBC: Before and After Poll - Ron Paul wins again http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/feature-article.htm?infono=018197&from=news 13 comments reddit.com