Hacker News
- Dutch antitrust authority fines Apple for fifth time http://www.fosspatents.com/2022/02/dutch-antitrust-authority-fines-apple.html 124 comments
- Google: “Any harm Epic has suffered is not irreparable and is of its own making” http://www.fosspatents.com/2020/10/google-sounds-like-apple-in-new-court.html 289 comments
- After accidental vote, EU copyright bill faces three legitimacy issues http://www.fosspatents.com/2019/03/after-yesterdays-accidental-vote-eu.html 67 comments
- Breaking News - API's are copyrightable http://www.fosspatents.com/2013/12/oracle-apparently-winning-android-java.html?m=1 2 comments
- Google to court: Galaxy Nexus code is closed just like that of the iPhone http://www.fosspatents.com/2012/04/google-to-court-galaxy-nexus-code-is.html 4 comments
- Activision Blizzard merger deal in the works (with E.U. Stamp of approval at $95 per share. http://www.fosspatents.com/2023/01/european-commission-hands-down.html?m=1 9 comments wallstreetbets
- Epic Games v. Apple bench trial in Oakland to kick off on May 3, 2021 (closer to Epic's preference than Apple's), possibly via Zoom due to covid http://www.fosspatents.com/2020/10/epic-games-v-apple-bench-trial-in.html 26 comments apple
- Google sounds like Apple in new court filing: "any harm Epic has suffered is not irreparable and is of its own making" http://www.fosspatents.com/2020/10/google-sounds-like-apple-in-new-court.html 310 comments apple
- Epic Games announces motion for judgment on the pleadings to dispose of some of Apple's counterclaims, and both parties prefer bench trial http://www.fosspatents.com/2020/09/epic-games-announces-motion-for.html 38 comments apple
- Epic Games struggling to persuade court of likelihood of winning its case against Apple: preliminary injunction over Fortnite not too likely http://www.fosspatents.com/2020/09/epic-games-struggling-to-persuade-court.html 231 comments apple
- Epic practically gives up on Fortnite, prioritizes Unreal Engine in reply brief pushing for temporary restraining order against Apple http://www.fosspatents.com/2020/08/epic-practically-gives-up-on-fortnite.html 7 comments apple
- Microsoft supports Epic Games' quest for temporary restraining order against Apple, stresses importance of Unreal Engine http://www.fosspatents.com/2020/08/microsoft-supports-epic-games-quest-for.html 409 comments apple
- Microsoft supports Epic Games' quest for temporary restraining order against Apple, stresses importance of Unreal Engine http://www.fosspatents.com/2020/08/microsoft-supports-epic-games-quest-for.html 93 comments technology
- Apple tells court it "wants Epic on iOS" but Fortnite "hotfix" turned into Epic Games' "hot mess": response to motion for emergency relief http://www.fosspatents.com/2020/08/apple-tells-court-it-wants-epic-on-ios.html 48 comments apple
- ‘Fortnite's absence from Apple's App Store will be short-lived--here's why and on what basis Epic Games will put it back soon’ http://www.fosspatents.com/2020/08/fortnites-absence-from-apples-app-store.html 84 comments apple
- Epic Games' App Store antitrust case against Apple reassigned to Oakland judge presiding over Pepper v. Apple and Cameron v. Apple class actions http://www.fosspatents.com/2020/08/epic-games-app-store-antitrust-case.html 22 comments apple
- Federal Trade Commission wins antitrust case against Qualcomm in Northern District of California http://www.fosspatents.com/2019/05/breaking-news-federal-trade-commission.html?m=1 26 comments hardware
- Federal Trade Commission wins antitrust case against Qualcomm in Northern District of California http://www.fosspatents.com/2019/05/breaking-news-federal-trade-commission.html 11 comments apple
- France wants urgent implementation of Internet upload filters http://www.fosspatents.com/2019/03/france-wants-urgent-implementation-of.html 16 comments europe
- Apple now suing Nokia itself on antitrust grounds; Nokia suing Apple over 40 patents in 11 countries http://www.fosspatents.com/2016/12/apple-now-suing-nokia-itself-on.html 7 comments apple
- Google defeats Apple in Germany's highest court: slide-to-unlock not a patentable invention http://www.fosspatents.com/2015/08/google-defeats-apple-in-germanys.html 4 comments technology
- Patent royalties may exceed $120 per smartphone, undermine industry profitability: working paper http://www.fosspatents.com/2014/05/patent-royalties-may-exceed-120-per.html 13 comments technology
- Oracle wins Android-Java copyright appeal: API code copyrightable, new trial on fair use http://www.fosspatents.com/2014/05/oracle-wins-android-java-copyright.html 58 comments java
- Apple demands 20x more for a patent from Samsung ($12.49) than from Motorola ($.60) http://www.fosspatents.com/2014/04/apple-demands-20-times-more-for-patent.html 4 comments apple
- FOSS Patents: 10 European judges found Apple had not invented slide-to-unlock (star patent at Samsung trial) http://www.fosspatents.com/2014/04/10-european-judges-found-apple-had-not.html 10 comments apple
- TIL that Google considered C# as the native language for android [X-post from /r/TIL] http://www.fosspatents.com/2011/07/judge-orders-overhaul-of-oracles.html 759 comments programming
- FOSS Patents: U.S. patent office confirmed all 20 claims of the Steve Jobs patent: bad for Samsung, Google http://www.fosspatents.com/2013/10/us-patent-office-confirmed-all-20.html 51 comments apple
- FOSS Patents: U.S. patent office confirmed all 20 claims of the Steve Jobs patent: bad for Samsung, Google http://www.fosspatents.com/2013/10/us-patent-office-confirmed-all-20.html 17 comments technology
- Confidential my ass: Samsung's lawyers told their client all about Apple's confidential patent deals with Nokia, Ericsson, Sharp, Philips http://www.fosspatents.com/2013/10/sanctions-loom-large-samsung-execs-were.html 12 comments apple
- FOSS Patents: UK judge who issued extreme ruling for Samsung against Apple hired by... Samsung! http://www.fosspatents.com/2013/02/uk-judge-who-issued-extreme-ruling-for.html 14 comments worldnews
- UK judge who issued extreme ruling for Samsung against Apple hired by... Samsung! http://www.fosspatents.com/2013/02/uk-judge-who-issued-extreme-ruling-for.html 69 comments apple
- U.S. court invalidates 13 Google (Motorola) patent claims asserted against Microsoft http://www.fosspatents.com/2013/02/us-court-invalidates-13-google-motorola.html 3 comments technology
- US Patent office finds the Steve Jobs iPhone Patent Invalid http://www.fosspatents.com/2012/12/us-patent-office-declares-steve-jobs.html?m=1 37 comments apple
- Apple adds six Samsung products including Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy S3 Mini, Galaxy S3, Rugby Pro, Galaxy Tab 8.9 and Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 to California lawsuit http://www.fosspatents.com/2012/11/apple-adds-six-samsung-products.html 4 comments technology
- Patent office tentatively invalidates Apple's rubber-banding patent used in Samsung trial http://www.fosspatents.com/2012/10/patent-office-tentatively-invalidates.html 11 comments apple
- These are the seven patents Google's Motorola Mobility is asserting against Apple http://www.fosspatents.com/2012/08/these-are-seven-patents-googles.html 37 comments technology
- Samsung successfully neutralizes adverse inference jury instruction concerning deleted emails [x-post from /r/Android] http://www.fosspatents.com/2012/08/samsung-successfully-neutralizes.html 5 comments technology
- Apple seeks $2.5 billion in damages from Samsung, offers half a cent per standard-essential patent - deep level analysis on the upcoming major trial of Apple vs Samsung http://www.fosspatents.com/2012/07/apple-seeks-25-billion-in-damages-from.html 6 comments technology
- FOSS Patents: Apple sues HTC in Virginia court for abuse of 4G/LTE standard-essential patents http://www.fosspatents.com/2012/06/apple-sues-htc-in-virginia-court-for.html 6 comments technology
- "Apple wants U.S. district court to obscure Samsung logo on video display for jurors." Frivolous motion or not? I'm torn. http://www.fosspatents.com/2012/05/apple-wants-us-district-court-to.html 4 comments apple