- Google announced as Title Sponsor of World Chess Championship 2024 https://www.fide.com/news/3204 7 comments chess
- FIDE has chosen Abu Dhabi over Italy to host the 47th Chess Olympiad in 2028 https://www.fide.com/news/2999 98 comments chess
- [FIDE] "FIDE reserves the right not to rate a specific tournament". https://www.fide.com/news/2807 330 comments chess
- FIDE - Refugee team to make historic debut at 45th Chess Olympiad in Budapest https://fide.com/news/2803 2 comments chess
- Proposals for changes to FIDE Ratings Regulations https://www.fide.com/news/2784 44 comments chess
- Important Changes to the 2024 Women's Grand Prix Series https://www.fide.com/news/2696 9 comments chess
- The World Chess Championship between Ian Nepomniachtchi and Ding Liren has been scheduled to be from 7th to 30th April 2023. https://www.fide.com/calendar/53285 75 comments chess
- Lei Tingjie wins her spot in the Women’s Candidates finals https://www.fide.com/news/2081 12 comments chess
- Statement by FIDE President on Magnus Carlsen's announcement https://www.fide.com/news/1872 189 comments chess
- Nikolai Krogius (1930-2022) https://www.fide.com/news/1865 2 comments chess
- Isle of Man to host the FIDE Grand Swiss and Women’s Grand Swiss 2023 https://www.fide.com/news/1642 12 comments chess
- FIDE Chess.com Grand Swiss granted an exemption and will go ahead https://www.fide.com/news/1392 38 comments chess
- Mongolian Chess Federation suspended for one year https://www.fide.com/news/1150 15 comments chess
- I am disproportionately excited about this tournament. I think this is a cool idea. The guys in there can come out with amazing skill. https://fide.com/news/1025 5 comments chess
- FIDE Council officially approves new rules & regulations for online chess tournaments https://www.fide.com/docs/regulations/annex_6.4%20fide%20online%20chess%20regulations.pdf 78 comments chess
- Biggest rating gains of 2019: Shtembuliak, Firouzja, Sargsyan, Alekseenko, Goryachkina, and others. https://www.fide.com/news/456 10 comments chess
- Teimour Radjabov to be replaced by Maxime Vachier-Lagrave in the Candidates Tournament https://www.fide.com/news/400 135 comments chess
- FIDE Candidates 2020 https://www.fide.com/news/347 65 comments chess
- FIDE Ethics Commission announces six-year ban for former Latvian GM Igors Rausis https://fide.com/news/246 17 comments chess
- World Rapid & Blitz Championships 2019 https://www.fide.com/news/214 11 comments chess
- Fide updated their website https://www.fide.com 5 comments chess
- FIDE signs cooperation agreement with Coca-Cola https://www.fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/11662-fide-signs-a-cooperation-agreement-with-coca-cola.html 20 comments chess
- Statement by FIDE President Arkady Dvorkovich on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment https://www.fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/11657-statement-by-fide-president-arkady-dvorkovich-on-gender-equality-and-womens-empowerment.html 27 comments chess
- The 2nd FIDE World Junior Chess Championship for the Disabled comes to a successful conclusion http://fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/11100-the-fide-world-junior-chess-championship-for-the-disabled-comes-to-a-successful-conclusion.html 7 comments chess
- Tickets for FIDE Presidential elections 2018 http://fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/11004-tickets-for-fide-presidential-elections-2018.html 3 comments chess
- FIDE Treasurer´s Letter https://www.fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/10884-fide-treasurers-letter.html 16 comments chess
- FIDE secured visas for Qatar and Iran http://www.fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/10587-fide-secured-visas-for-qatar-and-iran.html 4 comments chess
- A look at FIDE's financial numbers, from a report by the FIDE Marketing Committee. Possible fiscal reason for FIDE accepting Saudi Arabia's bid for the World Rapid & Blitz championships http://www.fide.com/images/stories/NEWS_2017/FIDE_News/88th_Congress/EB_Annexes/Annex_38.pdf 22 comments chess
- Per FIDE, women will NOT be required to wear hijab or abaya during the Rapid & Blitz championships in Saudi Arabia http://www.fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/10507-king-salman-rapid-a-blitz-2017--historical-agreement.html 54 comments chess
- FIDE Ethics Commission Statement in regard to the Kovalyov case http://www.fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/10440-fide-ethics-commission-statement-in-regard-to-the-kovalyov-case.html 6 comments chess
- FIDE response to Canada regarding Zurab incident. http://www.fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/10413-letter-from-chess-federation-of-canada.html 76 comments chess
- Participants of Women's World Championship 2017 announced http://www.fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/9970-qualifiers-for-2017-womens-world-chess-championship.html 15 comments chess
- Magnus Carlsen declined to attend the press conference http://www.fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/9922-magnus-carlsen-declined-to-attend-the-press-conference.html 10 comments chess
- Candidates 2016 pairings http://www.fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/9421-candidates-tournament-2016-pairings.html 54 comments chess
- In 2007, FIDE launched an investigation not about its own rampant corruption, but on whether Nigel Short called someone a "dunderhead". Here's the PDF of the findings of the ethics committee on this pressing question. http://www.fide.com/news/download/judgement02-07.pdf 4 comments chess
- Prepared for the new FIDE chess rules? http://www.fide.com/fide/handbook.html?id=32&view=category 25 comments chess
- Candidates Tournament 2014 Player Contract http://www.fide.com/images/stories/news_2013/fide/players_contract_2014.pdf 6 comments chess
- FYI, Anti-Doping Policy in chess http://www.fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/7189-chess-wada-anti-doping-policy-nutrition-and-health.html 11 comments chess
- Rules & regulations for the Candidates Tournament of the FIDE World Championship cycle 2011-2013 http://www.fide.com/fide/handbook/regscandidates2012.pdf 3 comments chess
- The schedule for the FIDE Grand Prix Series 2012/13 http://www.fide.com/component/content/article/1-fide-news/6315-announcement-on-fide-grand-prix-series-201213.html 5 comments chess
Linking pages
- Chess player caught 'using Morse code to cheat' - BBC News http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34184940 168 comments
- Hillary Clinton, ‘Smart Power’ and a Dictator’s Fall - The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/28/us/politics/hillary-clinton-libya.html 76 comments
- What Does It Take To Become A Grandmaster Developer? http://www.moserware.com/2008/03/what-does-it-take-to-become-grandmaster.html 48 comments
- Announcing The FIDE Chess.com Online Nations Cup - Chess.com https://www.chess.com/news/view/fide-chess-online-nations-cup?ref_id=7467280 47 comments
- Chess.com, FIDE Agree To Broadcast Rights Deal For 2021 FIDE World Championship - Chess.com https://www.chess.com/news/view/chess-com-fide-world-championship-broadcast 45 comments
- Kiss Marry Kill: Candidates 2022 – Zero Blunders https://zeroblunders.com/blogs/news/kiss-marry-kill-candidates-2022 15 comments
- Is FIDE Going Bankrupt? - Chess.com https://www.chess.com/news/view/is-fide-going-bankrupt-3846 11 comments
- Carlsen vs. Nepomniachtchi: What Do The Numbers Say? - Chess.com https://www.chess.com/article/view/2021-world-chess-championship-smarterchess-predictions 7 comments
- La storia dello scacchista accusato di barare - Il Post http://www.ilpost.it/2015/09/08/scacchi-barava-torneo-di-imperia/ 7 comments
- Chess grandmaster cheats with iPhone in bathroom stall | KSL.com http://www.ksl.com/?sid=34247554 7 comments
- What Does It Take To Become A Grandmaster Developer? http://www.moserware.com/2008/03/what-does-it-take-to-become-grandmaster.html?repost=ftw 6 comments
- For Chess, a Would-Be White Knight - The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/24/business/for-chess-a-would-be-white-knight.html?pagewanted=all 5 comments
- Links – British Universities' Chess Association http://www.buca.org.uk/news 4 comments
- Norwegian prodigy Magnus Carlsen is new chess champion - BBC News http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25057654 4 comments
- Sinquefield Cup: One of the most amazing feats in chess history just happened, and no one noticed. https://slate.com/culture/2014/09/sinquefield-cup-one-of-the-most-amazing-feats-in-chess-history-just-happened-and-no-one-noticed.html 3 comments
- The Digital Future of Tabletop Games | Future https://a16z.com/2020/09/01/tabletop-games-go-digital/ 0 comments
- As Chess Olympiad Begins, No Surprises, but More Controversy - The New York Times http://gambit.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/09/21/as-chess-olympiad-begins-no-surprises-but-more-controversy/?src=twr 0 comments
- A Psychological Autopsy of Bobby Fischer - Pacific Standard http://www.psmag.com/navigation/books-and-culture/a-psychological-autopsy-of-bobby-fischer-25959/ 0 comments
- A New Style of Russian Roulette | PE Hub http://www.pehub.com/72498/a-new-style-of-russian-roulette/ 0 comments