Hacker News
- Investigating immune response of a man who received 217 Covid vaccines https://www.fau.eu/2024/03/05/news/research/researchers-investigate-immune-response-of-a-man-who-received-217-covid-vaccinations/ 61 comments
- Researchers found a new substances that activate adrenalin receptors instead of opioid receptors have a similar pain relieving effect to opiates, but without the negative aspects such as respiratory depression and addiction https://www.fau.eu/2022/10/04/news/research/pain-relief-without-side-effects-and-addiction/ 227 comments science
- CAR-T cell therapy successfully used against Systemic Lupus Erythematosus autoimmune disease https://www.fau.eu/2021/08/11/news/research/world-exclusive-car-t-cell-therapy-successfully-used-against-autoimmune-disease/ 156 comments upliftingnews
- Breakthrough in graphene research: Large, stable pieces of graphene produced with unique edge pattern https://www.fau.eu/2019/01/29/news/research/breakthrough-in-graphene-research/ 4 comments science
- Physicists control molecule for a millionth of a billionth of a second. Scientists succeeded in switching on a current with a desired direction in graphene using a single laser pulse within a femtosecond. This is more than a thousand times faster compared to the most efficient transistors today. https://www.fau.eu/2017/09/25/news/research/the-fastest-light-driven-current-source/ 10 comments science
- Deep Learning in Finance (15yr study yields 30% annual returns) https://www.fau.eu/2017/03/01/news/research/deep-learning-im-aktienhandel/ 36 comments wallstreetbets
- Lactating mothers who have consumed garlic have a garlic aroma to their breast milk caused by allyl methyl sulfide. https://www.fau.eu/2016/07/14/news/research/garlic-aroma-found-in-breast-milk/ 3 comments science
- Maximum rates of climate change are systematically underestimated in the geological record: researchers have shown that the temperature changes millions of years ago probably happened no more slowly than they are happening today. https://www.fau.eu/2015/11/10/news/research/idea-of-slow-climate-change-in-the-earths-past-misleading/ 1167 comments science